To celebrate Phi Sigma Sigma's Founders' Day, each chapter plans a 5K run/walk/move to engage with the local community and raise funds through the Phi Sigma Sigma Foundation for their local Community Impact Fund. Below, you will find a series of resources to help you plan and execute your chapter's 5K!
Any time! While Founders' Day might be a great reason to bring sisters today, you can plan your 5K for anytime during the school year. When selecting the date, consider other events on your chapter and campus calendar and how it might encourage or discourage participation. Keep in mind weather and availability of your desired route.
First, contact your recreation department and campus safety to discuss possible 5K routes. What do you need to register your event on campus? What steps does campus safety require you to take?
Members of the fraternity/sorority, campus and local community, students and families from your partner school, alumnae (and their families) and sisters’ family members!
The money is held in your chapter’s designated Phi Sigma Sigma Foundation Community Impact Fund account, and will be used to support your partner school in a way that you designate.
A 5K is a great fundraising event as it has low overhead costs, moderate risk, open to all age groups and easily scalable.
The chapter is responsible for the following:
Identify 5K chairman
Determine date, time and location of event
Determine registration cost for the event
Decide whether to include t-shirts for in-person participants (you'll need to account for cost in registration fees)
Create and manage registration page on CrowdChange
Coordinate logistics
Advertise and engage with campus and community
Determine how teams are formed
Educate chapter and community on their partner school
Make event exciting and fun
Headquarters will provide the following:
Send emails to alumnae & parents
Provide marketing resources
Provide resources to help choose a partner school
Provide information on the Community Impact Fund
Facilitate open office hours for assistance with 5K planning
Ship t-shirts to the chapter for races where shirts are included for in-person participants
Get started by downloading the 5K event planning guide.
Bring this idea to your chapter to get them excited about hosting a 5K in celebration of Founders' Day!
Appoint 5K chairman
Identify date and location
Aim for late October to early December in observance of Phi Sigma Sigma’s Founders Day on November 26
Reserve space/location
Reach out to on/off campus partners to inform them of your event
FSL/Student Activities Office
On campus recreation center
Campus police
Local municipality (city, town, etc.)
Inform chapter so they save the date
Establish budget and vendors/supplies needed for event
Establish advertising plan
WHO are you advertising to?
HOW will this advertising happen?
Start to reach out to different audiences
Utilize 5K marketing resources
Determine registration plan, cost and how teams will be formed
Work with chapter coach if insurance information is needed
Create registration page on CrowdChange's 5K page
Manage registration
Continue advertising
Purchase supplies
Confirm with vendors (if applicable)
Determine day of logistics
Coordinate volunteers
Inform members of event obligations
Inform potential participants that anyone who registers before the cut off date will receive a t-shirt (for races that include t-shirts).
Confirm your chapter's shipping address for t-shirt shipping.
Follow up with anyone who hasn't registered but you were expecting to.
Review your race registration report.
Make a final push for registrations.
Follow up with anyone who hasn't registered but you were expecting to.
Send an email to participants with information about race day. You can find email addresses on your registration report. Get started with this draft email.
Assign volunteer roles for day-of support. View a list of potential volunteer roles and duties here. As the 5k coordinator, DO NOT assign yourself a role so you are available to troubleshoot day-of.
Resend race day information to your participants by email. Make sure to include a day-of contact for questions/issues.
Share a schedule of the event with sisters and volunteers.
Confirm your day-of contact with the venue so you know who to contact in the case of any issues.
Download and print out a couple of copies of the registration report. Make sure to identify anyone who should be receiving a t-shirt so you don't forget to hand it out.
Prepare and pack all supplies for race day so you're ready to load the car/walk them over to set up.
Make sure you have all necessary supplies on hand. Check out our recommended supply list.
Send out an OurHouse reminder to the chapter with the schedule and any other last minute reminders.
Get there early to set-up and make sure everything is ready before participants begin arriving.
Greet participants and thank them for supporting the cause.
Have fun!
Draft Participant Email - Use this template to share race day details with your participants.
Race Day Supply List - Here's a checklist of all the items you might want on-hand for race day.
Volunteer Roles - Have your sisters sign up to help with the 5K.
Need more support? Visit the Philanthropy & Service Resource Page for resources including:
Philanthropy finance instructions
Philanthropy event expense and revenue tracker
Money order instructions
Community impact funding request form
CrowdChange manual
To support your 5K planning and answer your questions, we'll be hosting regular office hours throughout the fall semester.
5K office hours will be held from September 18 - Wednesday November 13 each Wednesday from 8:00 P.M. - 9:00 P.M. ET / 5:00 P.M. - 6:00 P.M. PT. Click here to join:
You will set up a custom registration page for your chapter’s 5K on CrowdChange’s NEW! Phi Sig 5K page: The provided blueprints will allow you to edit and adjust your fundraising page based on the specific details of your race.
Follow the step-by-step directions below to get started. Once you've set up your registration page, it will be sent to your chapter coach for review and approval.
NOTE - If you're planning on doing a 5K with another chapter, each chapter should set up their own CrowdChange fundraiser.
Open the Phi Sig 5K CrowdChange page:
Click "Start a Fundraiser."
Select either the t-shirt or no t-shirt blueprint.
Under "Fundraiser Name" name your fundraiser using the following format: [Omega Omega] Chapter at [School Name] University - 2024 Phi Sigma Sigma 5K
Toggle on "Date and Time" and set the date and time for your race.
Toggle on "Fundraiser has a location" and add the location for your race.
Under "Purchase Options" you do not need to change any of the settings, they have been pre-set as part of the blueprint.
Click "Next."
The settings under "Additional Settings" have been pre-set as part of the blueprint; you do not need to make any changes.
Click "Create Fundraiser."
This will create the fundraising page which needs to be approved by your chapter coach before it goes live. However, you should proceed with customizing your page using the directions below so it is ready to go once approved.
Your chapter can determine and set the registration prices for your 5K race. This enables you to choose a rate that is in alignment with campus norms. This also allows you to make sure the registration price will cover any costs incurred to host this event. Fundraising events are only successful if you raise more money than you spend.
If you are including t-shirts for participants, add an additional $5 to the registration price to cover that additional cost.
On the side menu bar, select "Purchase Options."
Click on "Registration."
Click "+ Create Registration Tier"
Add tier name and description (see below for options)
Set price (see below for suggestions)
Click "Save".
Repeat steps 3-6 until you have all registration options created.
Below are suggested registration options, descriptions and pricing.
Tier Name: Individual Participant or In-Person Participant
Tier Description: Registration cost covers participant's entry fees and participation. Any in-person participant who registers by [CUTOFF DATE] will receive a FREE 5K race shirt!
Suggested Price: $15-25; if you're including t-shirts you'll want to increase registration by $5 to cover the t-shirt cost.
Important Note - The cut-off date should be at least 1 week before your race (10+ days before your race for west coast chapters) to allow for shipping times.
Tier Name: Virtual Participant
Tier Description: Registration cost covers participant's entry fees and participation. Virtual registration does not include a race t-shirt.
Suggested Price: $10-15
Click "Home" on the side menu bar" to return to your main event dashboard.
Click the "Design your fundraiser" button.
Scroll down to the block titled "Story" and click the pencil button to edit.
Change the text that says "Story" to "About our 5K"
Copy and paste the description below into the text section on that page.
WHAT: A 5K run/walk/move in celebration of Phi Sigma Sigma's Founders' Day!
WHY: This 5K will help support our chapter's Community Impact Fund through the Phi Sigma Sigma Foundation, a fund that supports Phi Sigma Sigma's local school partner by funding grants for initiatives supporting school and college readiness. By participating, you help us give back to the local community and support today's students!
(For races with t-shirts) Any in-person participant who registers by [CUTOFF DATE] will receive a FREE 5K race shirt! Pick up your shirt on race day at sign-in.
For more information and directions on managing your fundraiser, check out the CrowdChange manual and CrowdChange resource page.
Your chapter can include to include t-shirts for participants or not. Here are some important reminders if you choose to include t-shirts.
Make sure to select the "2024 Phi Sigma Sigma 5K (Shirt Option)" blueprint when setting up your fundraiser. This blueprint is set up to collect t-shirt sizes from participants as part of registration.
If you are including t-shirts, plan on increasing the price of your registration cost by $5 per participant to fund the t-shirts. The cost of producing and shipping the t-shirts will be deducted from the money raised as part of the CrowdChange event close-out procedures.
The cut-off date should be at least 1 week before your race (10+ days before your race for west coast chapters) to allow for shipping times. Make sure to include the cut-off date on your race registration page and in any marketing materials.
Participant t-shirts will be bulk shipped to the chapter for pick-up on race day. Make sure to have a plan for distribution.

Press Release Template - download and complete the press release template to share with local publications including your campus newspaper, local community newspaper, local, etc.
Flyer Template - Customize this Canva template flyer or create your own to post on campus, post around the community and share with other organizations.
5K Logo - Download this logo to use on marketing and promotional materials.
5K Logo Blue Background - Download the blue background version of the Phi 5K logo.
Instagram Post Template - Customize this Canva template or create your own to post on your chapter's page and have sisters re-share.
Instagram Story Template - Customize this Canva template to share on your chapter's story and sisters' stories.
Downloadable Race Bib Template - Customize this Canva template to create downloadable and printable race bibs.
Want to offset some of your event costs? Sponsors can support your event with a monetary donation or by donating items such as cases of water, food or refreshments, items to use as prizes, etc. Checks should be made out to "[Chapter Letters] Chapter of Phi Sigma Sigma" and deposited into your chapter's Billhighway account.
Sponsors could be on-campus businesses, local businesses, small businesses owned by family or friends.
If you or a chapter member already has a personal relationship with a possible sponsor, ask them to reach out and start the conversation. A lot of businesses will need an official request to review and approve. Below you will find a sponsorship letter template that you can customize. If you're looking for a sponsorship from a large corporation, most will have an online sponsorship request you will need to fill out and submit.
Sponsorships are mutually beneficial. Any costs associated with the 5K will be coming out of the chapter's philanthropy budget. By bringing on sponsors, you are able to help cover the costs for your 5K. In turn, you will help bring publicity and recognition to your sponsors by letting them be a part of your event. Make sure to recognize and thank your partners during the event, through social media, etc.
Sponsorship Letter Template - Download and complete the sponsorship letter to share with local businesses.
Once your 5K has happened, make sure to close out the CrowdChange fundraiser!
From the fundraiser, click: Advanced → Actions → Close Fundraiser → Yes
This will close the fundraiser and stop it from accepting ticket sales or transactions of any kind
The Community Impact Fund was established by the Phi Sigma Sigma Foundation, providing Phi Sigma Sigma collegiate chapters the opportunity to support their partner school while also supporting the Phi Sigma Sigma Foundation. The introduction of this fund coordinates efforts between the Foundation and collegiate chapters in support of Phi Sigma Sigma’s philanthropic cause of school and college readiness.
Collegiate chapters will identify a local Title I school as their official partner. When the chapter raises money through a fundraising event, the money will be deposited in the chapter’s Community Impact Fund through the Phi Sigma Sigma Foundation. The chapter will be able to designate the proceeds to support their partner school by funding backpack builds, direct financial grants to support programs or projects, or purchasing other equipment/supplies for the school.
Alcohol/Drug PolicyPhi Sigma Sigma is a dynamic sisterhood that focuses on the personal development of each sister by fostering a commitment to lifelong learning, leadership through service, and strong social standards to promote the advancement of womanhood. Phi Sigma Sigma believes in order to maintain a dynamic sisterhood with strong social standards it is important to provide a framework for our members including a healthy and realistic approach to alcohol consumption. In order to do so, Phi Sigma Sigma seeks to ensure members develop responsible habits and behaviors that support a healthy and well-balanced life. Specifically: • Phi Sigma Sigma expects all members to follow local, state, and federal laws, as well as university policies. • Phi Sigma Sigma fosters a culture of care to promote personal responsibility and accountability. • Phi Sigma Sigma engages our members through proactive life-skills programming to promote responsible and healthy behavior.
Anti-Hazing PolicyHazing is against the law; therefore, all forms of hazing are prohibited. Hazing is defined as any action taken or situation created, with or without consent, intentionally or unintentionally, whether on or off Fraternity premises, that endangers the life or safety of a member or has the potential to cause bodily injury, that produces mental or physical discomfort, embarrassment, harassment or ridicule. Such activities and situations include creation of excessive fatigue; physical and psychological shocks; wearing apparel that is conspicuous and not normally in good taste; engaging in public stunts and jokes; morally degrading or humiliating games and activities; late night sessions which interfere with scholastic activities; and any other activities that are not consistent with the regulations and policies of the educational institution. Phi Sigma Sigma believes in member development – not hazing. The objective of member development is to develop a dynamic sisterhood. Member development should promote interest in Phi Sigma Sigma and be positive, informative and enjoyable. Member development should embody the principles of our ritual and virtues. All member activities should accomplish one or more of the following goals: • Help members become better acquainted with each other. • Help members learn about life, the university, community, the chapter and self. • Help members to learn about Phi Sigma Sigma, its virtues, ritual and traditions. • Help members involve themselves in the work and success of the chapter. • Help members learn about group interaction. • Help members further develop leadership skills and accountability. It is a responsibility of all members to report any hazing incidents to Phi Sigma Sigma Headquarters.
Human Dignity PolicyPhi Sigma Sigma supports the statement on human dignity and sexual harassment endorsed by the National Panhellenic Conference member groups, “that college women should have a positive influence in the direction and achievements of the university community and that activities should promote self-worth, human dignity and a positive Greek image.” The dignity of the individual is a basic element of a civilized society. Individual self-worth is a necessary factor in establishing healthy relationship. All activities, including acts of hazing, activities based in a negative manner on gender, race, color, religion, national origin, age or disability and competitive games that are destructive, demeaning or abusive, promote a negative image of the Greek community. Participation in such activities that are demeaning to the individual do not promote a sense of self-worth nor a positive Greek image, and do not reflect the high standards, virtues and ideals maintained by Phi Sigma Sigma. Therefore, Phi Sigma Sigma does not endorse or support activities that are demeaning in nature, do not respect the dignity of the individual, cause disharmony among NPC groups or whose purpose is counterproductive. Further, Phi Sigma Sigma advocates education on the Fraternity and chapter level to promote positive self-esteem.
Overnight PolicyPhi Sigma Sigma and its member chapters are concerned about the welfare and safety of the individual members at overnight social activities. Phi Sigma Sigma supports the National Panhellenic Conference resolution which discourages overnight social activities. Overnight social activities can increase the Fraternity's host liability - on both a chapter and Fraternity level – and could reflect negatively on Phi Sigma Sigma and the Greek community. Phi Sigma Sigma recognizes that not all campuses and college communities present suitable facilities for large groups. Therefore, Phi Sigma Sigma requires that each chapter and colony adhere to the following regarding overnight accommodations: • Make every effort to hold all social functions, except those that are rededication/appreciation activities for members only (e.g., Founders' Day celebration, Leadership Conference or Convention), in the college community area where overnight accommodations are not necessary. • Whenever a social event must be held away from the campus community, the chapter must provide group transportation to and from the social function.
"Little Sisters" and "Little Brothers" Policy"Phi Sigma Sigma holds as one of its highest ideals the advancement of womanhood. Auxiliary groups, organized by fraternal chapters commonly referred to as “Little Sisters” and “Little Brothers,” or the equivalent thereof, are inconsistent with the concept and philosophies of human dignity and self-esteem. Phi Sigma Sigma believes that these groups inhibit the accomplishments of chapters by: •Diverting resources of time, effort and money, which are needed for chapter operations and programming •Distracting chapter members in the performance of essential duties such as membership recruitment and member development The North American Interfraternity Conference, the Fraternity Executives Association and several inter/national fraternities have taken a position against “Little Sister” groups. Therefore, Phi Sigma Sigma believes that auxiliary groups are not a desirable addition to the collegiate chapters of women's and men's fraternities and therefore requires that members and chapters to eliminate participation in such organizations. Further, no Phi Sigma Sigma chapter or colony shall have its own “Little Brother” group or serve as “Little Sisters” to any organization.
Membership Recruitment PolicyExcellence in membership recruitment is a reflection of the high standards and ideals for which Phi Sigma Sigma continuously strives. Such excellence is reflected in the consistent increase in membership up to the chapter's maximum recruitment potential as determined by the Panhellenic/Intersorority Council (ISC), campus, and/or Fraternity. The preservation of the integrity of the recruitment process reflects the basic tenets of the ritual and traditions of Phi Sigma Sigma. Phi Sigma Sigma recognizes and supports the recruitment guidelines set forth by the member groups of the National Panhellenic Conference and the greater Greek world's practices of fairness and ethical conduct. A standard of recruitment excellence is best achieved through common and unified recruitment practices. Therefore, the following practices and policies shall be implemented by Phi Sigma Sigma chapters and colonies: • Each chapter must strive to obtain maximum recruitment potential through the formal/primary recruitment period. If maximum recruitment potential is not attained during the formal/primary recruitment period, the chapter will implement continuous recruitment (CR) until maximum recruitment potential has been attained. • When no Total figure is set by a Panhellenic/ISC or where no Panhellenic/ISC exists, the Fraternity, in conjunction with the membership manager, will set Total based upon the following factors: the number of sisters and/or new members who transfer out of the chapter, graduate and/or are no longer active from the previous year's roster; the size of the other groups on campus; and an appropriate growth factor as determined by the Fraternity. • All voting on prospective members must be conducted by secret ballot. Only sisters who have met a prospective member during membership recruitment may cast a ballot on that prospective member, except final preference list balloting following the preference events(s). • All prospective members who accept a bid must sign a written bid acceptance card. • A legacy is the daughter, sister, niece, aunt, granddaughter or, through marriage, the daughter, sister, niece, or granddaughter of a Phi Sigma Sigma. When a chapter is made aware or is aware of a verified (by the chapter membership recruitment chairman contacting Headquarters) legacy participating in the recruitment process, the legacy must be accorded special consideration as a courtesy to the soror. If the chapter makes the determination not to consider the legacy for membership, that decision must be approved by the executive director or her designee.
Multiculturalist and Diversity Awareness PolicyPhi Sigma Sigma was founded by a group of friends who at the time could not all join the same sorority because of their varying religious faiths. Phi Sigma Sigma maintains a non-sectarian based ritual. Phi Sigma Sigma's constitution, bylaws and policies do not tolerate membership selection based on discrimination. Phi Sigma Sigma is a private membership organization for those who identify as women. Candidates for collegiate membership in the Fraternity shall be fully matriculated in an institution where a chapter is located and shall be selected based upon their meeting the eligibility requirements prescribed in the local and Fraternity constitutions, and according to the rules set forth by the College Panhellenic Association, the host institution, and the National Panhellenic Conference Unanimous Agreements. Therefore, membership in each chapter shall be determined by meeting membership obligations, educational achievement, commitment to our virtues and criteria related to the goals and purpose of the Fraternity. Membership is open to those who identify as a woman without regard to race, color, national origin, religion, age, handicap, disability, ancestry, citizenship, marital status, sexual orientation or any other classification protected by law or ordinance. Phi Sigma Sigma encourages education on the Fraternity and chapter levels with respect to multiculturalism and diversity awareness and advocates sensitivity to such topics as it relates to daily living situations and fraternity activities. Each Phi Sigma Sigma chapter shall establish a multiculturalism and diversity committee whose purpose it shall be to conduct an on-going program as part of the member development program to develop an understanding and appreciation for cultural and other heritages brought to the group by its membership.
Risk Management PolicyPhi Sigma Sigma is concerned for the well-being of its sisters and their guests, and that concern is best realized by providing safe activities in safe environments. Phi Sigma Sigma recognizes that awareness, education and planning are vital aspects to providing safe activities in safe environments. Therefore, each Phi Sigma Sigma chapter and colony and its members shall: • Abide by all local, state/province and national laws. • Abide by all campus regulations and policies. • Abide by Phi Sigma Sigma's constitution, bylaws and policies specifically those related to risk management (such as the alcohol/drug, anti-hazing and overnight policies). • Cooperate with Fraternity personnel. Further, each Phi Sigma Sigma chapter and colony shall: • Adopt a Safety Commitment Statement. This statement shall demonstrate the chapter's commitment to safety relative to their members and guests. Chapter sisters shall enhance, review, and sign the statement on an annual basis in conjunction with installation of the chapter's executive board members. • Establish a committee to oversee the risk aspects of all chapter activities. • Include risk management education, such as programs on legal liability, financial liability, hazing, sexually transmitted diseases, date rape and eating disorders, as part of its chapter programming at least twice a year.
Policy AcknowledgementEach new member will receive an e-mail at the beginning of her new member period requiring her to review all policies and acknowledge that she will adhere to the policies. Each collegiate member is required to review the Phi Sigma Sigma policies and acknowledge that she will adhere to the policies on an annual basis. All policy violations must be reported to the collegiate chapter's member-at-large and/or membership manager.