Through our Culture of Care, Phi Sigma Sigma is committed to continuously caring for and empowering our members and encouraging ongoing member development programming that addresses issues of equity, social justice and advocacy.

Phi Sigma Sigma condemns the increased violence and hate crimes committed against the Asian American Pacific Islander community. We stand in solidarity with our Asian sisters, family and friends and call on our members to speak out, stand up and support one another today and every day.
It is our responsibility to care for our sisters during times of need. While you continue to support your community and advocate for change, we must remember to turn inwards and prioritize the health, safety and wellbeing of our own members. Here are ways you can embody active allyship with the Asian American Pacific Islander community.
Check-in - Pick up the phone and give your AAPI sisters a call to let them know you're here for them and ask them what they need. Remember, it is okay if they don't want to or aren't ready to talk. But if they are, it is your turn to listen.
Allow the space to process - Chapter activities can wait. This is not the time to follow up on attendance policies, their executive council duties or big/little obligations. Everyone processes differently and while some sisters might be looking for projects to turn to and keep busy, others may need to step away and take some time.
Create safe spaces - Create safe spaces for your sisters to process, share and express their needs. Host open office hours, listening sessions or chapter education to dialogue.
Refer to resources - Cultivate a list of campus resources to share with sisters. Refer to the campus resource page on the Phi Sigma Sigma website to get started or begin by Googling one of the following combinations:
<university name> + diversity and inclusion
<university name> + student discrimination
<university name> + mental health
<university name> + Asian American studies
<university name> + racial bias
In addition to taking care of our own members, you may feel called to advocate for change on your campus or in your community. Here are some additional resources for advocating for change and supporting the AAPI community:
Research non-profits and organizations that support the AAPI community and make a donation
Amplify the voices and stories of others
Continue your own personal education
Support local Asian-American owned small business
Additional Resources:
We see you and we are here to listen.
We are here for you, however you need us to be.
We have provided a dedicated form and email for all members to share what you need from us or thoughts and feedback on how we can support you and our Black sisters.
We know our work does not end here. Black Lives Matter and together, we have the opportunity to be a part of the systemic change that is long overdue.

Our hearts are with the families of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and Ahmaud Arbery. Phi Sigma Sigma does not stand for racism, xenophobia, police brutality, the school to prison pipeline and other forms of social injustice that impact communities of color at disproportionately high rates.
We are sad and outraged, but that is not enough. We must do better to work towards an equitable and just future for all.
We want to provide resources for our sisters who are looking to take action individually or as a group to support their communities.
We encourage sisters and chapters to take action individually or as a group to support their communities. It is important that you thoroughly process, plan, strategize, organize and mobilize to effectively enact change.
In addition to the action items below, colleges and universities provide their own services. Identify your campus resources by searching Google using one of the following combinations:
<university name> + diversity and inclusion
<university name> + student discrimination
<university name> + African American studies
<university name> + racial bias
Prior Communications & Announcements:
Follow Us Forward Week: Driving Incremental Change Toward Full-Inclusion - July 22, 2020
Phi Sigma Sigma Discontinues Special Consideration for Legacies During Membership Recruitment - June 28, 2020
How We Can Create Change - Update on Current Initiatives and What's Next - June 12, 2020
Action Taken Against Member - Coastal Carolina - Theta Beta Chapter
Action Taken Against Member - Pace University - Delta Omega Chapter
Guide to Activism - June 1, 2020
Black Lives Matter Statement & News Post - May 29, 2020
Next Steps:
Creating a safe space for groups of sisters/chapters to process and participate in dialogue
Providing a platform for affinity groups to connect in a safe space
Providing stress management/mental health resources and ongoing check-ins for our archons as they lead their chapters
Supporting our advisors and providing guidelines to help facilitate thoughtful conversations and dialogues between members
Curating an online library of resources for members to provide education on ways to thoughtfully engage, foster change and support their communities
Outreach to chapters with members located in locations of active protests and riots
Reading and reviewing suggestions from Black identified members and putting that feedback into action
Continuing to research and learn from best practices provided by organizations such as NAACP
Completed Summer 2020
Facilitated Chapter Dialog: chapter-wide discussion offered to process, reflect and action plan.
Request a Facilitator
Discussions vs. Disagreement: a constructive and productive member-to-member(s) dialog aimed at ensuring members impacted are heard and respected. Request a Facilitator
Affinity Groups Launched: See links below
Policy Change: Phi Sigma Sigma Discontinues Special Consideration for Legacies During Membership Recruitment
Procedure Change: Membership Selection - Pilot 1 & Pilot 2 Deployed for Fall 2020
Member & Chapter Guide for Activism
It is your own responsibility to educate yourself, it is not the responsibility of the Black community. Guide your own education by reading books, articles and studies on the history and effects of injustice, racism and inequity. Learn by listening to webinars, podcasts and watching documentaries and movies.
Explore your own identity and learn about your own implicit or explicit biases.
Be brave and explore topics that are unfamiliar and uncomfortable. Discomfort is a part of learning and developing.
Highlight and mark areas of interest. Dig deeper and learn the history, origins and background of topics you are not familiar with.
Engage in discussion with your peers, friends and family.
Pass on information you’ve learned or found helpful.
Is there a resource or education you would like us to share?
Email your suggestions to
Explore aspects of injustice (criminal justice reform, school to prison system pipeline, voter suppression, implicit bias, immigration, school reform).
Connect with established organizations, advocacy groups and nonprofits already engaged in your community. It is important that you utilize and support existing efforts and not duplicate or create competing messages.
Connect with university partners, departments, student organizations and resources to mobilize efforts on your campus.
Recognize your purchasing power and how that can create change in the country. Support Black businesses and creators.
Start conversations with your immediate circle of influence, taking into account their level of awareness and openness to the topic. Meet them where they are.
Share what you learn, but make sure you are sharing for the right reasons. We should not be centering our own experiences in the sharing of information.
Determine national and local opportunities to contribute to the cause/movement.
Research reputable organizations that disclose how the funds will be responsibly allocated. is one resource you can use to check how funds are utilized.
Encourage members and community members to donate directly to the existing organization they are passionate about.
While it is important to encourage and inspire others to donate, refrain from seeking credit for your participation. It is not important that you/chapter receive credit or publicity for the donation.
Avoid organizing a fundraiser or promoting the opportunity to donate as a game, competition or chapter fundraiser. There is no reason to pool money together before it is donated.
Efforts to create merchandise, endorse partial proceeds fundraisers or “give back” events, siphon funds away from the cause and limit the overall impact.
Research if the online platform subtracts credit card fees or if the full amount goes to the cause. A greater impact is made when donations are made directly.
A WARNING ABOUT VENMO: collecting money on Venmo may be a risk to members and chapters and is strongly discouraged. Individuals/accounts collecting money may become responsible for income taxes associated with any funds received. You will be personally responsible to the IRS.
Repost statements from campus organizations/departments, nonprofits and community activists. Your platform and audience is an opportunity to amplify the voice of others.
Acknowledge your platform and align yourself as a part of the change that is needed.
Denounce the actions or behaviors of racial injustice and the systems that reinforce them.
Commit to education and action.
Recognize Black sisters and community members. Elevate Black voices and organizations that they are sharing.
Honor, using the full names, the victims of racial injustice.
Include hashtags and tags to movements and groups such as #blacklivesmatter, #antiracism #justice #[insert names], etc.
Provide action items, resources and next steps to followers.
To request assistance drafting or sharing online content
Expect that followers may respond and provide feedback or opposition.
Deleting or reporting comments or blocking followers closes off your opportunity to engage in dialog.
When someone does not share the same opinion, use a guided and one-on-one conversation to engage in a productive dialog.
Refrain from asking someone to delete their comment or post. Instead, help them to understand how their post or comments are impacting others.
To request assistance responding to online content
or potentially harmful post email
Identify spaces and organizations offering opportunities to safely demonstrate, support and volunteer.
Create a plan to participate safely including transportation, attire and supplies. In the event you are injured, arrested or sheltered-in-place, you will need to be prepared with snacks, first aid, cash/ID, protective gear, etc.
Observe curfews, restrictions or local directives pertaining to when and where events are allowed to take place.
Check in with the people you attend with. Stay together and identify a “homebase” in the event you are separated.
Be present in the moment. Make time to process and share your experience with others afterward. Thoughtfully use your voice to focus on the impact that needs to be made.
Alcohol/Drug PolicyPhi Sigma Sigma is a dynamic sisterhood that focuses on the personal development of each sister by fostering a commitment to lifelong learning, leadership through service, and strong social standards to promote the advancement of womanhood. Phi Sigma Sigma believes in order to maintain a dynamic sisterhood with strong social standards it is important to provide a framework for our members including a healthy and realistic approach to alcohol consumption. In order to do so, Phi Sigma Sigma seeks to ensure members develop responsible habits and behaviors that support a healthy and well-balanced life. Specifically: • Phi Sigma Sigma expects all members to follow local, state, and federal laws, as well as university policies. • Phi Sigma Sigma fosters a culture of care to promote personal responsibility and accountability. • Phi Sigma Sigma engages our members through proactive life-skills programming to promote responsible and healthy behavior.
Anti-Hazing PolicyHazing is against the law; therefore, all forms of hazing are prohibited. Hazing is defined as any action taken or situation created, with or without consent, intentionally or unintentionally, whether on or off Fraternity premises, that endangers the life or safety of a member or has the potential to cause bodily injury, that produces mental or physical discomfort, embarrassment, harassment or ridicule. Such activities and situations include creation of excessive fatigue; physical and psychological shocks; wearing apparel that is conspicuous and not normally in good taste; engaging in public stunts and jokes; morally degrading or humiliating games and activities; late night sessions which interfere with scholastic activities; and any other activities that are not consistent with the regulations and policies of the educational institution. Phi Sigma Sigma believes in member development – not hazing. The objective of member development is to develop a dynamic sisterhood. Member development should promote interest in Phi Sigma Sigma and be positive, informative and enjoyable. Member development should embody the principles of our ritual and virtues. All member activities should accomplish one or more of the following goals: • Help members become better acquainted with each other. • Help members learn about life, the university, community, the chapter and self. • Help members to learn about Phi Sigma Sigma, its virtues, ritual and traditions. • Help members involve themselves in the work and success of the chapter. • Help members learn about group interaction. • Help members further develop leadership skills and accountability. It is a responsibility of all members to report any hazing incidents to Phi Sigma Sigma Headquarters.
Human Dignity PolicyPhi Sigma Sigma supports the statement on human dignity and sexual harassment endorsed by the National Panhellenic Conference member groups, “that college women should have a positive influence in the direction and achievements of the university community and that activities should promote self-worth, human dignity and a positive Greek image.” The dignity of the individual is a basic element of a civilized society. Individual self-worth is a necessary factor in establishing healthy relationship. All activities, including acts of hazing, activities based in a negative manner on gender, race, color, religion, national origin, age or disability and competitive games that are destructive, demeaning or abusive, promote a negative image of the Greek community. Participation in such activities that are demeaning to the individual do not promote a sense of self-worth nor a positive Greek image, and do not reflect the high standards, virtues and ideals maintained by Phi Sigma Sigma. Therefore, Phi Sigma Sigma does not endorse or support activities that are demeaning in nature, do not respect the dignity of the individual, cause disharmony among NPC groups or whose purpose is counterproductive. Further, Phi Sigma Sigma advocates education on the Fraternity and chapter level to promote positive self-esteem.
Overnight PolicyPhi Sigma Sigma and its member chapters are concerned about the welfare and safety of the individual members at overnight social activities. Phi Sigma Sigma supports the National Panhellenic Conference resolution which discourages overnight social activities. Overnight social activities can increase the Fraternity's host liability - on both a chapter and Fraternity level – and could reflect negatively on Phi Sigma Sigma and the Greek community. Phi Sigma Sigma recognizes that not all campuses and college communities present suitable facilities for large groups. Therefore, Phi Sigma Sigma requires that each chapter and colony adhere to the following regarding overnight accommodations: • Make every effort to hold all social functions, except those that are rededication/appreciation activities for members only (e.g., Founders' Day celebration, Leadership Conference or Convention), in the college community area where overnight accommodations are not necessary. • Whenever a social event must be held away from the campus community, the chapter must provide group transportation to and from the social function.
"Little Sisters" and "Little Brothers" Policy"Phi Sigma Sigma holds as one of its highest ideals the advancement of womanhood. Auxiliary groups, organized by fraternal chapters commonly referred to as “Little Sisters” and “Little Brothers,” or the equivalent thereof, are inconsistent with the concept and philosophies of human dignity and self-esteem. Phi Sigma Sigma believes that these groups inhibit the accomplishments of chapters by: •Diverting resources of time, effort and money, which are needed for chapter operations and programming •Distracting chapter members in the performance of essential duties such as membership recruitment and member development The North American Interfraternity Conference, the Fraternity Executives Association and several inter/national fraternities have taken a position against “Little Sister” groups. Therefore, Phi Sigma Sigma believes that auxiliary groups are not a desirable addition to the collegiate chapters of women's and men's fraternities and therefore requires that members and chapters to eliminate participation in such organizations. Further, no Phi Sigma Sigma chapter or colony shall have its own “Little Brother” group or serve as “Little Sisters” to any organization.
Membership Recruitment PolicyExcellence in membership recruitment is a reflection of the high standards and ideals for which Phi Sigma Sigma continuously strives. Such excellence is reflected in the consistent increase in membership up to the chapter's maximum recruitment potential as determined by the Panhellenic/Intersorority Council (ISC), campus, and/or Fraternity. The preservation of the integrity of the recruitment process reflects the basic tenets of the ritual and traditions of Phi Sigma Sigma. Phi Sigma Sigma recognizes and supports the recruitment guidelines set forth by the member groups of the National Panhellenic Conference and the greater Greek world's practices of fairness and ethical conduct. A standard of recruitment excellence is best achieved through common and unified recruitment practices. Therefore, the following practices and policies shall be implemented by Phi Sigma Sigma chapters and colonies: • Each chapter must strive to obtain maximum recruitment potential through the formal/primary recruitment period. If maximum recruitment potential is not attained during the formal/primary recruitment period, the chapter will implement continuous recruitment (CR) until maximum recruitment potential has been attained. • When no Total figure is set by a Panhellenic/ISC or where no Panhellenic/ISC exists, the Fraternity, in conjunction with the membership manager, will set Total based upon the following factors: the number of sisters and/or new members who transfer out of the chapter, graduate and/or are no longer active from the previous year's roster; the size of the other groups on campus; and an appropriate growth factor as determined by the Fraternity. • All voting on prospective members must be conducted by secret ballot. Only sisters who have met a prospective member during membership recruitment may cast a ballot on that prospective member, except final preference list balloting following the preference events(s). • All prospective members who accept a bid must sign a written bid acceptance card. • A legacy is the daughter, sister, niece, aunt, granddaughter or, through marriage, the daughter, sister, niece, or granddaughter of a Phi Sigma Sigma. When a chapter is made aware or is aware of a verified (by the chapter membership recruitment chairman contacting Headquarters) legacy participating in the recruitment process, the legacy must be accorded special consideration as a courtesy to the soror. If the chapter makes the determination not to consider the legacy for membership, that decision must be approved by the executive director or her designee.
Multiculturalist and Diversity Awareness PolicyPhi Sigma Sigma was founded by a group of friends who at the time could not all join the same sorority because of their varying religious faiths. Phi Sigma Sigma maintains a non-sectarian based ritual. Phi Sigma Sigma's constitution, bylaws and policies do not tolerate membership selection based on discrimination. Phi Sigma Sigma is a private membership organization for those who identify as women. Candidates for collegiate membership in the Fraternity shall be fully matriculated in an institution where a chapter is located and shall be selected based upon their meeting the eligibility requirements prescribed in the local and Fraternity constitutions, and according to the rules set forth by the College Panhellenic Association, the host institution, and the National Panhellenic Conference Unanimous Agreements. Therefore, membership in each chapter shall be determined by meeting membership obligations, educational achievement, commitment to our virtues and criteria related to the goals and purpose of the Fraternity. Membership is open to those who identify as a woman without regard to race, color, national origin, religion, age, handicap, disability, ancestry, citizenship, marital status, sexual orientation or any other classification protected by law or ordinance. Phi Sigma Sigma encourages education on the Fraternity and chapter levels with respect to multiculturalism and diversity awareness and advocates sensitivity to such topics as it relates to daily living situations and fraternity activities. Each Phi Sigma Sigma chapter shall establish a multiculturalism and diversity committee whose purpose it shall be to conduct an on-going program as part of the member development program to develop an understanding and appreciation for cultural and other heritages brought to the group by its membership.
Risk Management PolicyPhi Sigma Sigma is concerned for the well-being of its sisters and their guests, and that concern is best realized by providing safe activities in safe environments. Phi Sigma Sigma recognizes that awareness, education and planning are vital aspects to providing safe activities in safe environments. Therefore, each Phi Sigma Sigma chapter and colony and its members shall: • Abide by all local, state/province and national laws. • Abide by all campus regulations and policies. • Abide by Phi Sigma Sigma's constitution, bylaws and policies specifically those related to risk management (such as the alcohol/drug, anti-hazing and overnight policies). • Cooperate with Fraternity personnel. Further, each Phi Sigma Sigma chapter and colony shall: • Adopt a Safety Commitment Statement. This statement shall demonstrate the chapter's commitment to safety relative to their members and guests. Chapter sisters shall enhance, review, and sign the statement on an annual basis in conjunction with installation of the chapter's executive board members. • Establish a committee to oversee the risk aspects of all chapter activities. • Include risk management education, such as programs on legal liability, financial liability, hazing, sexually transmitted diseases, date rape and eating disorders, as part of its chapter programming at least twice a year.
Policy AcknowledgementEach new member will receive an e-mail at the beginning of her new member period requiring her to review all policies and acknowledge that she will adhere to the policies. Each collegiate member is required to review the Phi Sigma Sigma policies and acknowledge that she will adhere to the policies on an annual basis. All policy violations must be reported to the collegiate chapter's member-at-large and/or membership manager.
Why Substance, Character & Influence?
"I will make the most of educational opportunities throughout my life and will become a woman of
substance, character and influence."
A strategic framework for exploring racial justice and educating members.
Substance: The objective is to build racial equity awareness and analytical capacity across our organization, fostering an understanding of key concepts, such as institutional and systemic racism, implicit bias, racial equity and multiracial systemic solutions. Shared knowledge and conceptual clarity helps normalize explicit and constructive conversations about race.
Character: The objective is to equip members, leaders, staff and partners with the skills, tools, strategies, resources and relationships to be effective leaders and advocates in the fight for racial justice in education. What are we doing with the understanding and shared knowledge gained through "substance" programming?
Influence: The objective is to engage and activate members, leaders and stakeholders in on the-ground efforts to combat institutional racism and advance racial justice. Some actions are external — organizing to advance changes on our campuses and in our communities — while others are internal — implementing equitable practices that change the
organization's work. What are we expecting and asking of those around us? How are we leveraging our information gained, practiced and modeled actions to influence the community around us?
Dr. Michelle Castro - Delta Kappa Chapter at Florida International University
Emily DeCarlo – Pi Chapter at Syracuse University
Hanna Estupinan - Epsilon Omicron Chapter at St. John's University
Liz Glaser - Beta Upsilon Chapter at American University
Dr. Meghan Grace - Epsilon Delta Chapter at Chapman University
Kayla Green - Delta Eta Chapter at University of Delaware
Nirvana Habash - Beta Upsilon Chapter at American University
Kayla Hendrickson - Iota Delta Chapter at Central Connecticut State University
Nicole McKelvey - Epsilon Pi Chapter at Southern Connecticut State University
Samantha McLean – Kappa Chapter at The George Washington University
Kelsea Médard, JD – Pi Chapter at Syracuse University
Katlyn Michaels - Delta Chi Chapter at Shippensburg University
Dr. Kim Monteaux De Freitas - Theta Alpha Chapter at Northern Michigan University
Melanie Morris - Epsilon Omicron Chapter at St. John's University
Dr. Alicia Scott - Beta Psi Chapter at University of Florida
Kristina Scott, JD - Beta Psi Chapter at University of Florida
Stefanie Scovill - Theta Alpha Chapter at Northern Michigan University
Francesca Sheedy - Zeta Zeta Chapter at Quinnipiac University
Hannah Torrance - Epsilon Delta Chapter at Chapman University
Melissa Urrunaga - Epsilon Sigma Chapter at Virginia Wesleyan University
Emily Wagner Uleau - Delta Chi Chapter at Shippensburg University
Kerry Wallaert - Theta Alpha Chapter at Northern Michigan University
Jacquis Watters - Epsilon Kappa Chapter at Hofstra University
Jamie Wilson - Gamma Zeta Chapter at University of Rhode Island
Dr. Thea Zunick - Zeta Pi Chapter at The College of New Jersey
Please email to learn more about how to
contribute or get involved in the priority initiatives of this group.