The Phi Sigma Sigma Foundation is proud to fund leadership programming, offer scholarships and educational grants, and provide resources for philanthropic and service-oriented events directly benefitting our collegiate and alumnae sisters, as well as the world around us. Our women live by our virtues everyday by serving both their communities through raising money to support worthwhile causes and by donating their time to projects and causes in which they believe.
The Phi Sigma Sigma Foundation’s philanthropic cause is School and College Readiness. By providing the next generation with the resources necessary to succeed in the classroom, we are also helping to prepare them to succeed outside of the classroom.
Our chapters work with Title I schools and local philanthropic partners to further the cause of school and college readiness in their own communities. Through these partnerships, our chapters will be able to reinvest in their communities and witness the direct impact of their support.
Our members support their local Title I school partners through a variety of initiatives designed to meet the specific needs of each community. From equipping students with the necessary tools to succeed through school supply drives and backpack and pencil builds, to supporting enriching extracurricular activities as volunteers and planning innovative leader programming, our members continue to foster the next generation of leaders.

The Community Impact Fund coordinates efforts between the Foundation and collegiate chapters in support of Phi Sigma Sigma’s philanthropic cause of school and college readiness. When the chapter raises money through a fundraising event, the money is deposited in the chapter’s Community Impact Fund through the Phi Sigma Sigma Foundation. The chapter is able to designate the proceeds to support their partner school by funding backpack builds, direct financial grants to support programs or projects, or purchasing other equipment/supplies for the school.
One of the largest inhibitors to educational success is a lack of resources including school supplies. As advocates for school and college readiness, we want to make sure students have the necessary supplies to truly succeed. Through our partnerships with local schools, we are able to ascertain what supplies students are truly in need of and help fill that void through supply drives, collections and donations.
Our backpack builds provide an opportunity for us to share the importance of school and college readiness with others, while allowing us to directly impact and give back to our communities. Our members witness first-hand what new school supplies can mean to students who might not have the means to succeed otherwise.