2022-2023 Fraternity Award Winners
Phi Sigma Sigma's annual awards program recognizes individuals and chapters who most embody the virtues of Phi Sigma Sigma and continue to "Aim High" throughout their collegiate and alumnae experiences. Congratulations to the 2022-2023 award winners!
The Outstanding Collegiate Chapter Award is presented to the collegiate chapter(s) that is most outstanding within the Fraternity and on its campus, relative to size and campus culture. The chapter should foster a premier member experience that supports, encourages motivates and enriches all sisters. To be eligible for this award, a collegiate chapter must recruit and maintain maximum potential recruitment size (total) each semester; provide a premier member experience through creative events, programming, Fraternity assistance, promotion, etc.; pay all Fraternity dues on time; make an annual donation to the Phi Sigma Sigma Foundation; and have representation at all required Fraternity events and trainings.
Epsilon Chapter at Adelphi University
The Epsilon Chapter at Adelphi University at prioritizes programming and has provided a wide range of activities to allow all members an opportunity to participate. Some highlights include a trip to a haunted house, ice-skating and a spa retreat. The chapter successfully hosted two large philanthropy events, Do it for the Kids and Phi Set Spike, as well as a simple spare change drive that brought in over $1,000. The chapter is incredibly thoughtful in their recruitment efforts and are always looking for opportunities to share Phi Sigma Sigma with potential new members. They are active members of their fraternity & sorority community and their campus.
Delta Eta Chapter at the University of Delaware
The Delta Eta Chapter at the University of Delaware continues to impress their local community as well as the Fraternity as a whole. This is a chapter that has over 200 members, yet still prioritizes the importance of individual uniqueness and relationships among their members. Among the many successful events that they have accomplished this year, some highlights include an all-sisterhood baking competition, an all-Greek Airband competition, Phield Day Philanthropy, initiation of 88 new members and a puppy de-stressing event on campus.
Iota Kappa Chapter at the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs
The Iota Kappa Chapter at the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs strives to be a chapter with innovative programming that gives back to their local community. This is a chapter that is very active on campus not just interfraternally, but also with student organizations. Some highlights from the spring 2023 semester include canvas painting on bid day, a sisterhood day where they went to Build-a-Bear, a philanthropy event where all proceeds benefited an Iota Kappa alumna who is now a teacher in their local community, a week long "Penny Wars" among departments on campus benefitting the Phi Sigma Sigma Foundation and many on and off-campus socials with other student led organizations.
Honorable Mentions:
Xi Chapter at Temple University
Beta Eta Chapter at The Pennsylvania State University
The Beverly Parkes Collegian of the Year Award is presented to a collegiate member who, in her activities and character, personifies the ideals of Phi Sigma Sigma. The candidate must be in good standing with her collegiate chapter and university, and give evidence of forwarding the three goals of Phi Sigma Sigma: advancement of womanhood, lifelong learning and philanthropic service. She shall have achieved a most exemplary record in the last year of her collegiate work, as a senior.
Lauren Bancalari, Gamma Nu Chapter at Rutgers University - New Brunswick
Lauren “Lo” Bancalari is an exemplary Phi Sigma Sigma. She joined Phi Sigma Sigma just before the pandemic campus shut down and lived in the chapter house for three subsequent years. Lo’s entire college experience is centered around her Phi Sigma Sigma membership. She is a two-term executive board member, serving as philanthropy chairman. She raised over $85,000 during her tenure and ensured that the chapter remained a campus leader as the highest fundraiser for Rutgers' Dance Marathon. She developed a strong relationship with the chapter's partner school – Roosevelt Elementary – and was able to work with the chapter to fulfill every request the school brought forward including a tremendously successful toy drive, while Rutgers was operating virtually, that fulfilled all the needs the school had for Christmas presents for families.
Lo is a pre-med student who graduated cum lade from Rutgers - New Brunswick. She worked as a medical assistant to a neurologist and a part time microbiologist at Johnson and Johnson. Her involvement outside of Phi Sigma Sigma is aligned with her passion to study medicine. She has served as Phi Sigma Sigma’s liaison to the RU4Kids Program, which supports children with cancer and rare blood disorders. She also recruited volunteers to serve at monthly Embrace Kids events, such as the recent “Tackle Sickle Cell” Blood Drive at RWJ which collected 173 units of blood and 56 fresh frozen plasma units. Lo also served this past year as president of the Rutgers chapter of Reach Out and Read, a US nonprofit organization that promotes reading. Reach Out and Read is a national early literacy organization working directly with pediatric care providers to share the lifelong benefits that result from families reading aloud to their children every day.
Because of COVID-19, Lo never really had the benefit of learning the “Phi Sig” way to do things. Gamma Nu has a long history of philanthropic leadership and campus leadership at Rutgers. At every opportunity, she has set incredibly high goals for herself – academically, as a leader, as a fundraiser and as a sister. And she has always figured out how to achieve and exceed those goals. Through multiple lockdowns in the sorority house, and learning to do things “in real life” again, Lo has always had a can do, will do attitude. She asks the right questions, makes the right decisions and gets the job done.
Brittney Butcher, Theta Iota Chapter at the University of Michigan - Flint
Yulissa Chavez, Theta Upsilon Chapter at the University of La Verne
Mackenzy Garden, Delta Zeta Chapter at Stevens Institute of Technology
Jill Joeckel, Iota Phi Chapter at Lindenwood University
The Jeanine Jacobs Goldberg Archon of the Year Award is presented to the collegiate chapter archon deemed by the grand archon to be the most outstanding based on her contributions to the chapter and her relationship with the Fraternity. She shall have successfully completed one full term as archon.
Abbi Knouse, Xi Chapter at Temple University
Abbi Knouse served as archon on the 2022 executive board and tribune on the 2021 executive board of the Xi Chapter at Temple University. During her time as archon she pioneered a movement for sexual violence awareness in the fraternity/sorority community and spoke at a campus wide event to spread awareness. She also helped build a partnership with a local school by hosting first-time events such as the Founders’ Day 5K and a holiday gift drive, which provided every child in the school with a gift from their wish list. Abbi faced some challenges at the beginning of her term as the campus was having issues with the culture of the fraternities. Abbi was an incredible advocate for the chapter and the Panhellenic community during this time. Due to her leadership in this movement, Abbi was chosen as the student speaker for WalkTU, a sexual assault prevention walk, and led the walk with other Phi Sigma Sigma sisters. Under her leadership, the chapter was awarded a 4 diamond rating which is the highest level for campus accreditation.
Erin McGuirk, Epsilon Chapter at Adelphi University
Emily Miller, Gamma Tau Chapter at Northern Kentucky University
Brielle Morris, Zeta Theta Chapter at Fairleigh Dickinson University at Madison
Kayleigh Wittman, Beta Eta Chapter at The Pennsylvania State University
The New Member of the Year Award is presented to a collegian who was a new member in the current academic year and made significant contributions to her chapter during her new member experience. This recipient will demonstrate a commitment to her chapter, fostering positive relationships, strong involvement in the Phi Program, chapter activities and the campus during her new member experience and an outstanding promise for future service to her collegiate chapter. Each chapter should nominate one woman to receive this award.
Rhia Patel, Theta Xi Chapter at Nova Southeastern University
Rhia is the embodiment of an ideal sister of Phi Sigma Sigma. She is a supportive, reliable and active sister. She is always a positive and warming presence at events and during the week around campus. In addition to being a new member, she has taken on two important roles within the chapter in her first year. Rhia served as the fundraising chair on the chapter’s executive council. She put on eight successful events in support of three different philanthropies: Joe DiMaggio Children's Hospital Foundation, Phi Sigma Sigma Foundation and Autism Awareness/Autism Society Florida. Rhia was also a member of the philanthropy committee assisting the philanthropy chair in raising money for the chapter’s Survivor event benefitting the Phi Sigma Sigma Foundation. Rhia was the assistant sister development chairman during her second semester and took on the responsibility of helping with introducing new members to active members by creating a "speed dating" event to help with the big little process. She also filled in for the chapter's sister development chairman, while she was abroad for a spring break service event. Rhia has shown dedication to Phi Sigma Sigma though her actions. She leads with passion and enthusiasm, which encourages others to participate.
Emily De Notaris, Xi Chapter at Temple University
Cristianna Giovanangelo, Epsilon Kappa Chapter at Hofstra University
Nola Lovell, Zeta Tau Chapter at Loyola University Chicago
Chloe Sisson, Zeta Omicron Chapter at Kutztown University of Pennsylvania
The Collegiate Emerging Leader Award is presented to a collegian who has made significant contributions to her collegiate chapter in a non-leadership role, an executive board/executive council role (non-archon) or a Panhellenic/Interfraternal role. The recipient will demonstrate outstanding promise for continued leadership to her collegiate chapter and to Phi Sigma Sigma. Specific examples of her emerging leader qualities or actions must be provided. If an individual does not serve in a leadership role, demonstrated examples of leadership traits must be provided. A sister is only eligible to receive this award one time. Each chapter should nominate one woman to receive this award.
Kylie Autry, Iota Kappa Chapter at the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs
Kylie is currently the bursar and is one of the hardest workers in the chapter. She is always offering to lend a helping hand wherever she can and spreads positivity wherever she goes. Kylie is a very strong bursar and is willing to learn. Kylie has hopped on to countless office hours, emailed questions and is always open to improving her position on executive board. Kylie has great potential and will continue growing and sharing her talents in other positions on executive board as a new leader in the chapter.
Sara Bergamini, Iota Eta Chapter at Florida Institute of Technology
Samantha Hess, Zeta Delta Chapter at Bentley University
Josie O'Neill, Epsilon Rho Chapter at York College of Pennsylvania
The Sisterhood Award is presented to a Phi Sigma Sigma sister or sisters who have shown exemplary commitment, verifiable accomplishments, and loyalty to the ideals and virtues of Phi Sigma Sigma. Her efforts leave a lasting impact on the Fraternity and her devotion goes beyond normal participation.
Alyssa Ercan, Epsilon Theta Chapter at Montclair State University
Alyssa has served on the campus resources task force since 2018. She is always willing to step up and help, never turning down a project and always making sure it is completed ahead of the deadline. She even picks up extra work when others are too busy to lend a hand. Alyssa loves research and thrives on projects that allow her to work at her own speed. This year, when the task force was given a new project that went beyond the usual work of the group, Alyssa was the only member to volunteer to assist. She is willing to collaborate on ideas and dedicate the necessary time to see a project through to completion.
Alexa Georgakopoulos, Gamma Zeta Chapter at The University of Rhode Island
Alexa has been the CKA of the Epsilon Iota Chapter at Bridgewater State University for several years. This year, when the Theta Sigma Chapter at the University of Massachusetts - Dartmouth needed a CKA, she stepped up and took on the role. She is fully invested in both chapters, helping the members navigate their time in the chapter and even after they graduate. She supports other CKAs by answering their questions and is generous with her time and friendship.
The Gina Kerley Individual College Panhellenic Award was established in honor of Gina Kerley and is presented to the Phi Sigma Sigma sister who made the most valuable contribution to her College Panhellenic/Greek Council, based on continuous attendance at meetings, meaningful contribution to the success of the Panhellenic/Interfraternity Council and contribution to fundraising within the Panhellenic/Interfraternity Council. Members of chapters that are the only sorority on their campus are still eligible if they work within an Interfraternity or Greek Council promoting Greek cooperation and spirit.
Amanda Taiano, Beta Eta Chapter at The Pennsylvania State University
Amanda just finished her term serving on the Panhellenic council at Penn State as the vice president for recruitment. She has given back to her community during her term by creating the first Recruitment Clothes Shop in Penn State's history. She donated half the money raised to the Circle of Sisterhood Foundation and put the other half toward a new scholarship for Penn State Panhellenic. Amanda is extremely passionate about growing the community. She worked this year to create a new bylaw in regard to Penn State’s philanthropy round. She also worked with the philanthropy chairs of each chapter to put together philanthropy videos and/or presentations to discuss and highlight their chapter’s efforts. Each presentation highlighted the respective chapter's top three events of the fall (and previous spring) semester, total raised in the last year and the significance of why chapters hold these events. This year, Amanda was able to develop new marketing tactics and was able to get 1,588 PNMs registered for recruitment, one of the largest registrations in Penn State’s history.
Honorable Mention:
Brittney Butcher, Theta Iota Chapter at the University of Michigan - Flint
The Active Alumna Award is presented to the alumna who, in her character and activities outside of Phi Sigma Sigma, personifies the ideals of the Fraternity. Involvement in community service and activities, and any other related activities associated with the advancement of womanhood, lifelong learning and philanthropic service are considered.
Missy Ricketts, Theta Psi Chapter at Alma College
Missy serves as a member of the alumnae engagement committee, as an ambassador and a general board advisor. Outside of Phi Sigma Sigma, she volunteers extensively with Detroit Roller Derby, a 501(c)(3) women’s sports league within the city of Detroit. She has spent three consecutive terms on the Board of Directors for the Detroit Roller Derby, including two as president. She has worked to reduce the financial barriers of joining the sport by helping to grant scholarships to members in need. This year, she has served as a skating and non-skating official for Detroit Roller Derby and other Michigan-area leagues and also as the co-head of the officiating committee and co-head non-skating official for the league. While she is not a sports-inclined individual, roller derby has given her a unique experience as a member of a woman’s owned and operated team, and she is happy to give back to the sport.
The Alumnae Mentoring Award was established in honor of Melanie Boone to recognize her ongoing mentoring and advancement of women both within the fraternity and professionally. The award is presented to an alumna who has demonstrated a continued commitment to mentoring. Through her lasting efforts, she will have provided guidance and support, while encouraging the growth and development of women. Specific examples of the successful mentor/mentee relationship should be included on the nomination in order for award consideration and must incorporate mentoring beyond that of the advisor/collegian relationship.
Jen Feicht, Gamma Gamma Chapter at Pennsylvania Western University, Clarion
Jen has been a longtime volunteer for Phi Sigma Sigma. Through her roles and dedication, she has served as a mentor for many Phi Sigma Sigma members. Serving as the CKA for the Gamma Gamma Chapter at Pennsylvania Western University, Clarion for a number of years, she developed a strong mentoring relationship with the collegiate women and inspired many of them to continue on and give back as volunteers themselves. Jen's mentorship has been the reason that a number of Phi Sigma Sigma Fraternity members remain involved as committed volunteers today. Last year during one of the volunteer happy hours, people were chatting about who got them involved with Phi Sig and why they continue to stay involved. During this conversation, numerous sisters named Jen as one of the reasons they became involved as a volunteer. She is a continued source of support to other members of Phi Sigma Sigma and inspires engagement consistently.
The Alumnae Volunteer Emerging Leader Award was established in honor of Sandy Grossman, for her commitment to encouraging the Fraternity’s progress. The award is presented to an alumna who, in her first three years of volunteer service, has made significant contributions to the Fraternity by promoting and facilitating progress and the Fraternity’s perpetuity. The recipient will demonstrate outstanding promise for continuing service and leadership. Specific examples of her continuing activities must be provided. A sister is only eligible to receive this award one time.
Julia Harris, Iota Rho Chapter at St. Joseph's University
This year Julia stepped up to take on the CKA role for the Iota Rho Chapter at St. Joseph's University with no prior volunteer experience, and she has been excellent in the role. She quickly established herself as a great resource to the chapter and has worked well with Headquarters. This year in particular, the chapter has struggled with rising costs in Philadelphia and the impact of inflation on their budget. Julia has been a tremendous support, offering ideas for how the chapter can cut costs while still providing its members with a premiere membership experience. Julia quickly picked up on our policies and procedures, and has been able to successfully translate them to our members in a way that is easy to digest. She also helped cushion the blow on occasions when the chapter has needed to adjust their plans. She has kept them calm and motivated throughout all the highs and lows.
Kimberly Ortiz, Theta Eta Chapter at Rider University
Over the past several years, Kim has expanded her presence as a Phi Sigma Sigma volunteer by giving back and lending her time and talents to a number of different roles. She served on the 2022 bylaws committee and Foundation scholarship workgroup. She continues to give back and serve as a member of the alumnae engagement committee and the philanthropy and service committee. Kim plays an important role on the alumnae engagement committee, helping to lead communication and marketing efforts in collaboration with Headquarters. As we continue to build and promote our alumnae offerings, this is a vital role to the continued success of Phi Sigma Sigma. She is a marketing specialist for Rider University and lends her professional talents to support Phi Sigma Sigma in her role with the alumnae engagement committee.
Toniann Seals, Epsilon Theta Chapter at Montclair State University
Toniann has been an advisory member of the Epsilon Theta Chapter at Montclair State University for multiple years. She has assisted with chapter issues, organization of rituals and philanthropy events. During the summer of 2022, the chapter experienced a traumatic event that left them without a CKA. The chapter lost more than half of its active members and was struggling as a chapter. Toniann stepped up immediately and helped organize meetings with Headquarters. She also met with many sisters on her own time during the summer to listen to them and support them during this difficult time. Toniann became the chapter’s CKA this year and has been guiding the chapter since then. She attends philanthropy events, assists during recruitment and shares opportunities for community service and scholarships with members.
Emily Johnson, Zeta Omega Chapter at the University of Michigan at Dearborn
Emily serves as the CKA to the Theta Iota Chapter at the University of Michigan - Flint and supports and encourages the chapter's success in a number of ways. Emily is sure to consistently check in with every sister and every chairman each week and provide support where necessary. Emily supported the chapter by providing a safe space to talk and reflect on what the chapter can do better in a way that ensured all sisters felt included. Emily is a very inspiring and meaningful leader. Despite hardships, Emily always makes sure to make a positive impact on chapter members and provide them with exceptional leadership. She is consistent with her communication to the chapter and makes sure to see every perspective. When Michigan State University had a campus shooting, Emily sent everyone texts to check in on the chapter and make sure they were okay. During officer transitions, Emily made sure that the chapter was able to work through the challenges of effective communication. Emily has been helping the chapter understand each other and how to work together towards a common goal. Emily pushes all chapter members to be themselves and accepting of each other, seeing new perspectives they may not have before.
The Outstanding Chapter Key Advisor Award is presented to a chapter key advisor who has, through her service and dedication to a collegiate chapter, significantly improved the quality of its sisterhood. She shall provide ongoing and regular guidance to the chapter, communicate regularly with Fraternity personnel and Headquarters staff and contribute to the chapter’s overall success.
Marcie Berson, Beta Chapter at Tufts University
Chapter Key Advisor for the Iota Nu Chapter at Sacred Heart University
Marcie has provided outstanding support to the Iota Nu Chapter at Sacred Heart University as their chapter key advisor. She is readily available to provide in-person or virtual support, whether it be at meetings, philanthropy events or recruitment. Marcie has kept in constant contact with Headquarters to ensure the chapter is operating as efficiently as possible. She is always looking for ways to improve chapter operations and has helped the chapter implement event planning strategies that have taken their events to the next level. As an active alumna, Marcie is a wonderful role model to the collegians in the Iota Nu Chapter.
Nicole Hannon, Gamma Tau Chapter at Northern Kentucky University
Chapter Key Advisor for the Gamma Tau Chapter at Northern Kentucky University
Nicole has devoted an incredible amount of time and energy to the Gamma Tau Chapter at Northern Kentucky University to aid in their immense recruitment efforts this year. She makes herself available virtually and in-person to the chapter and specifically the executive board. She ensures that chapter officers know the expectations of their roles and helps them learn along the way. Nicole is a strong partner to the Fraternity and advocates for the chapter to ensure their longevity on campus and within Phi Sigma Sigma.
Katie Harless, Zeta Zeta Chapter at Quinnipiac University
Chapter Key Advisor for the Beta Alpha Chapter at the University of Maryland - College Park
Katie is an outstanding advisor to the Beta Alpha Chapter at the University of Maryland - College Park. She is a wonderful resource to the executive board and a mentor to chapter members. Katie has positive relationships with Headquarters and campus staff. Katie supports the chapter at chapter events and ensures that they are having a positive experience. Katie was on-site for all recruitment events and practices. Katie worked closely to make sure that the chapter was able to return to an in-person experience after some time in a virtual experience.
Karen Leeman, Zeta Zeta Chapter at Quinnipiac University
Chapter Key Advisor for the Epsilon Kappa Chapter at Hofstra University
Karen has been an excellent resource to the Epsilon Kappa Chapter at Hofstra University. The chapter members trust her guidance and know they can go to her for anything. Karen maintains communications with Headquarters staff and is always ready to advocate for the chapter, when needed. Even while growing her family, Karen has provided virtual and in-person support to the chapter and was a great help to the chapter during recruitment this spring.
Amy Shultz, Gamma Gamma Chapter at Pennsylvania Western University, Clarion
Chapter Key Advisor for the Zeta Nu Chapter at Slippery Rock University
Amy has provided great guidance to the Zeta Nu Chapter at Slippery Rock University this past semester. As a CKA she is unafraid to advocate for what is best for the chapter and is eager to help the chapter learn how to do the same. Amy maintains an open dialogue with Headquarters staff to ensure that she and the chapter are moving forward as a successful and policy compliant unit.
The Outstanding Alumnae Programming Award is presented to a formal alumnae chapter or informal social group of alumnae sisters in recognition of planning a successful, significant alumnae event. The alumnae event should foster meaningful connections between alumnae and promote the ideals of womanhood and Phi Sigma Sigma. The event should be hosted by alumnae, not a collegiate chapter, and have a minimum of five alumnae sisters in attendance. Attendees do not need to be from the same chapter.
Theta Chapter Alumnae Group (The University of Illinois at Urbana - Champaign)
Alumnae of the Theta Chapter at the University of Illinois at Urbana - Champaign organized a weekend of activities to celebrate the chapter's Centennial. The Steering Committee is comprised of Marcia Bellows (1983), Barbara Rendall Hochstadt (1983), Tracy Solida (1984) and Laurie Wright Salsbury (1983). Beginning in the summer of 2022, the Steering Committee held a weekly Zoom meeting to organize the weekend's activities, which included a Friday night pizza party at the chapter house (April 21); a Saturday luncheon hosting 180 national leaders, local Panhellenic leaders and alumnae (April 22); a Saturday night dinner for two groups of alumnae at local restaurants; and a farewell breakfast on Sunday, April 23 at the chapter house. Working with Headquarters staff, the group also developed graphics that can be adapted by other chapters for their future uses. This event connected alumnae from the 1960s to the 2020s. Sisters who have not seen each other since college were reunited. This milestone anniversary also was the impetus to establish the Theta Chapter Centennial Scholarship with the Phi Sigma Sigma Foundation, and fundraising has begun this year.
Gamma Delta Chapter Alumnae Group (Rutgers University - Camden)
Alumnae of the Gamma Delta Chapter at Rutgers University - Camden gathered for a Saint Patrick’s Day potluck on March 18, 2023. The event was hosted by Linda Rusciani Heath at her home in New Jersey. In attendance at this event were eight Gamma Delta alumnae. While this event standing alone might not seem very significant, it is just one example of what these women do to communicate and support each other. Many members of this group were founders of the chapter. Events often included local chapter alumnae who graduated before the colony became a chapter. Over the years, this group of women has come together for many informal potlucks and dinners to keep their sisterhood and friendship alive. One sister pointed out that this group was an important support system to her, especially during the first months of the pandemic as the group’s communication via Facebook and an online chat group helped her to feel less isolated. Outside the group, these women have supported and attended many alumni events in connection with the Rutgers - Camden alumni office over many years and are already planning a 50th anniversary “reunion within a reunion” when the Rutgers - Camden classes of 1973 and 1974 hold their joint 50th anniversary celebrations in 2024.
The Outstanding Chapter Advisory Board Award is presented to the advisory board that provides the best support to its respective collegiate chapter throughout the year. The advisory board works well together, communicates effectively with the Fraternity, and always puts the best interests of the Fraternity and chapter first.
Epsilon Chi Chapter at Indiana University Southeast
Andrea Fogle Park, Epsilon Chi Chapter at Indiana University Southeast (Chapter Key Advisor)
Andrea Puckett, Epsilon Chi Chapter at Indiana University Southeast
Josie Garwood, Epsilon Chi Chapter at Indiana University Southeast
The biggest priority of the Epsilon Chi Chapter Advisory Board is to advise and help cultivate strong leaders within the chapter. Over the school year, the chapter has dealt with many different obstacles, including recruitment, COBing and daily operations. Among opening their schedules to be present for officer meetings, on-campus sisterhood events and off-campus retreats, the advisory board also communicates with the executive board on a daily basis. This communication can look small like how to do an upload to the website, or bigger in event planning and idea brainstorming. They meet the women of the chapter where they are at in life and do so with an outpouring of love and Phi Sigma Sigma sisterhood. The advisory board maintains a strong presence and is always willing to lend a helping hand.
Theta Iota Chapter at the University of Michigan-Flint
Emily Johnson, Zeta Omega Chapter at the University of Michigan at Dearborn (Chapter Key Advisor)
Susan Dagenais, Theta Iota Chapter at the University of Michigan - Flint
Rachel Harvey, Theta Iota Chapter at the University of Michigan - Flint
Nicole Peterson, Theta Iota Chapter at the University of Michigan - Flint
Megan Simms, Theta Iota Chapter at the University of Michigan - Flint
Lindy Stearns, Zeta Omega Chapter at the University of Michigan at Dearborn
The Theta Iota Chapter Advisory Board is an amazing resource, and collaborates with the chapter on small details as well as large-scale events. They are extremely hard working, supportive and each bring a different point of view and backstory to the chapter that is beyond invaluable. The advisory board works hard to put the interests of the Fraternity and the chapter first at all times. They have weekly meetings to touch base with each other and see where support is necessary. They also host regular monthly, and even weekly check-ins on sisters as the winter months can take a mental toll. They also work together to delegate tasks and plans in order to give the chapter the most available commitment. The advisory board helps executive board members on a more one-on-one level, so each member receives prompt and meaningful support as necessary. Each week, an advisor is assigned a specific position to reach out to and check in on how that officer is doing both in her role and outside of the chapter.
The Outstanding Collegiate Chapter Executive Board Award is presented to the collegiate executive board that best worked together to accomplish positive outcomes for their collegiate chapter, had strong communication with their advisors and the Fraternity and made a lasting impact on their collegiate chapter.
Epsilon Chapter at Adelphi University
The executive board of the Epsilon Chapter at Adelphi University has been outstanding over the past year. The entire board is motivated to help the chapter succeed, and they work hard to make it happen. They are incredibly organized and have a deep understanding of their roles and responsibilities. They work together to delegate the work amongst each other, so no one is overworked. They’re all involved in important events such as recruitment and formals. They communicate well amongst each other and with members of Headquarters staff. Most importantly, they have a high level of mutual respect. They all understand each other’s roles and recognize that it takes all of them to keep the chapter thriving. The board’s efforts are reflected in how well the chapter has been doing this year.
Xi Chapter at Temple University
The 2022 executive board of the Xi Chapter at Temple University was a great example of how executive boards should function. They understood their individual roles and responsibilities but were never afraid to lend a hand in other areas when needed. They communicated effectively and respectfully to each other and Headquarters staff. They were incredibly organized and on top of any deadlines they needed to meet. This board had to have some tough conversations with their chapter regarding issues within their fraternity & sorority life community, and they absolutely rose to the challenge. The board always tried to be as transparent as possible with the chapter, and they fostered a great deal of respect from the chapter as a result.
Beta Eta Chapter at The Pennsylvania State University
The 2022 executive board of the Beta Eta Chapter at The Pennsylvania State University was extremely strong and hard working. The chapter faced significant individual member challenges this year and the executive board handled them extremely professionally. The board had a great understanding of what it means to be a leader within Phi Sigma Sigma but also within a large fraternity & sorority and campus community. Responsibilities were delegated appropriately, and the board was never afraid to ask for help. Mid-term, the chapter received new advisors who helped ensure the success of the 2022 executive board through the end of their term. Organization and communication were extremely important to the Beta Eta executive board and these characteristics were easily seen when reviewing their plans for events, which happen consistently. They also manage the large executive council very well.
Zeta Omicron Chapter at Kutztown University of Pennsylvania
The Zeta Omicron Chapter at Kutztown University of Pennsylvania had outstanding leadership during the 2022 executive board. They were incredibly responsive and made a great effort to be effective leaders in their chapter. The executive board worked together to overcome challenges during recruitment. Following formal recruitment, they continued to COB and their membership recruitment chairman and recruitment team was able to reach total. This executive board had a great dynamic and mutual respect for one another.
Honorable Mention
Zeta Zeta Chapter at Quinnipiac University
The Outstanding Advisory Board Member Award is presented to a collegiate chapter advisory board member who has, through her service and dedication to a collegiate chapter, significantly improved the quality of its sisterhood. She must be a member of the advisory board for at least two consecutive years, support the efforts of the chapter key advisor and contribute to the success of the chapter.
Brenda Hageter, Zeta Omicron Chapter at Kutztown University of Pennsylvania
Advisor of the Zeta Omicron Chapter at Kutztown University of Pennsylvania
Through her dedication and service, Brenda has improved the sisterhood of the Zeta Omicron Chapter at Kutztown University. When the chapter’s CKA had a baby in January, Brenda stepped up to ensure support. She always responds in a timely manner and has come to chapter meetings to assist in-person as well. She has helped the chapter through tough situations and was supportive during spring recruitment. As a person and an advisor, Brenda is kind, considerate and helpful. She has always been there for the chapter and has greatly contributed to the sisterhood and chapter as a whole.
Amabelle Palomares, Zeta Tau Chapter at Loyola University Chicago
Advisor of the Zeta Tau Chapter at Loyola University Chicago
Amabelle became involved with the Zeta Tau Chapter at Loyola University Chicago during a transition between CKAs and shows a great deal of curiosity and interest in pushing the chapter to explore new methods to achieve success and improve the member experience. Her professional work as a recruiter makes her a skilled manager and coach in a variety of chapter operational areas. She has gracefully transitioned from a member and leader in the chapter to a thoughtful and intentional resource for the women. Amabelle shows a great deal of potential as a volunteer and mentor.
Lindy Stearns, Zeta Omega Chapter at the University of Michigan at Dearborn
Advisor of the Theta Iota Chapter at the University of Michigan - Flint
Lindy is an extraordinary advisor for the Theta Iota Chapter at the University of Michigan - Flint. Lindy is always sure to support and encourage success in a number of ways. She constantly checks in with every sister and provides support where necessary. At some of the hardest moments in the chapter, Lindy supported the members by providing a safe space to talk and gives everyone meaningful advice towards what we can do for the betterment of chapter. Lindy began advising as the chapter was struggling to come back into in-person operations following COVID-19. She played a huge role in preparing sisters for their first in-person formal recruitment and has been a great resource for learning rituals and in-person operations. She has fostered difficult conversations that the chapter needed to have and has always strived to pushes the chapter to be the best version of itself.
This award, established in honor of Helen Vassallo is presented to the collegiate chapter faculty advisor who through his/her efforts strengthens a Phi Sigma Sigma chapter.
Diana Wildermuth, Faculty Advisor of the Xi Chapter at Temple University
Diana Wildermuth serves as the faculty advisor for the Xi Chapter at Temple University. She was integral in helping the chapter find their community partner school after the COVID-19 pandemic. Former chapter archon, Abbi Knouse, said Diana's introduction to the contact at the school was monumental for the chapter and allowed Xi to truly impact their immediate community. Diana's experience in the education field allowed her to provide specific advice to the chapter when they needed it most. Diana is leaving Temple University which will be a big loss to the Xi Chapter.
The Outstanding Campus Professional Award was established in honor of the executive director and is presented to a college/university campus based professional who through their efforts strengthens a Phi Sigma Sigma chapter.
Stephen Cucchiara, Director of Student Engagement at the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs
Stephen Cucchiara has been an asset not only to the Iota Kappa Chapter at the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs, but also to the fraternity/sorority life community. Though his official title is Director of Student Life, he has assumed the responsibilities far beyond this title. Stephen is a great ally to all student organizations including fraternity and sorority life, as well as a helpful person to go to when members have a problem. Stephen meets with all student organization presidents on a weekly or bi-weekly basis and currently oversees all clubs on campus. Stephen has been thoughtful and meaningful in his work in the absence of an FSL coordinator, while still preserving the traditions and customs of the school and club calendars.
Nick Frias, Director of Fraternity & Sorority Life at Sacred Heart University
In his five years in this role at Sacred Heart University, Nick Frias has strategically grown the system, while providing support to the existing chapters to be sure that they continue to thrive. He's been a particularly strong supporter of Phi Sigma Sigma over the years and our archons, Panhellenic officers and others that have worked with him have all said how much they appreciate the advice and guidance he provided them whenever they spoke.
Cornell University Sorority and Fraternity Life Staff
Kara Miller McCarty
Dee Hawks
Madeline Field
Kathleen Wilhite
Emily Abbruzzese
The Cornell University Sorority and Fraternity Life Staff supported the Fraternity and the Beta Xi Chapter at Cornell University through a difficult school year of chapter operations challenges. The Cornell staff participated in many calls, on-site meetings and provided input and support as the Fraternity collected information and feedback that sought to determine if a positive member experience and healthy chapter operations were sustainable. Following Supreme Council’s decision to withdraw the chapter’s charter at the end of the school term, the university staff continued to provide support to the members as they processed the news and finished out the semester.
The Interfraternal Service Award was established in honor of Josette George Kaufman is presented to an individual who has through their interfraternal contributions brought honor, distinction and prestige to the name of Phi Sigma Sigma at the National or International level.
Julie Johnson, Kappa Delta
Julie consistently demonstrates a remarkable level of helpfulness, graciousness and empathy in her interactions with others. Her warm and welcoming nature makes her an approachable figure in our Panhellenic community, and she always goes above and beyond to assist those in need. Whether it's answering questions, providing guidance, or offering support, Julie has repeatedly proven herself to be an invaluable resource for both new and experienced members of the NPC family. Throughout her tenure, Julie has served in various capacities, showcasing her versatility and commitment to the betterment of our community. However, her most notable role was serving as Panhellenic’s Chairman for NPC. In this position, Julie displayed exceptional leadership skills, organizational abilities and a deep understanding of the interfraternal dynamics. She successfully managed the coordination and collaboration between the various sororities, fostering a positive and inclusive environment for all. One of Julie's most outstanding qualities is her unwavering dedication to mentoring and guiding newcomers in NPC. She readily takes new members under her wing, ensuring they feel supported, connected and valued within our community. Her genuine interest in the personal and academic growth of these individuals has had a lasting impact on their collegiate experience and beyond.
The Collegiate Chapter Academic Achievement Award is presented to the collegiate chapter that most actively fosters excellence in scholarship.
Delta Kappa Chapter at Florida International University
The Delta Kappa Chapter at Florida International University has worked to support sisters who are struggling academically. Despite initially having the lowest GPA in the Panhellenic community, the chapter has worked tirelessly to improve its academic performance, rising to the second-highest GPA. One of the ways that the Delta Kappa Chapter has demonstrated its dedication to academic excellence is by implementing targeted scholarship improvement plans for struggling sisters. These plans provide individualized support to members who are struggling academically, helping them to improve their grades and achieve their academic goals. The chapter also holds regular study sessions and workshops focused on time management and study skills to help all members succeed academically. By creating a supportive environment that prioritizes academic achievement, the Delta Kappa Chapter has seen a significant improvement in their academic performance. This dedication to academic excellence has not only benefited the individual members but also has contributed to the overall success of the chapter.
Epsilon Alpha Chapter at Illinois State University
The Epsilon Alpha Chapter at Illinois State University has implemented a new method this year to prioritize academic performance and scholarship. Throughout the semester, the chapter hosts study sessions at the campus library. All members are welcome to attend and those who are falling behind academically are required to attend once a week. Members who do not meet the GPA requirements are offered an opportunity to do an academic improvement plan and tutoring with members of the chapter. The chapter honors members who received a 4.0 GPA and those who were named to the dean’s list with prizes. Every week, the chapter sends in an updated list of new scholarships that members are urged to apply for along with an updated list of available study times to ensure that everyone has access. The chapter reserves a room with snacks during finals week so that sisters can study together, highlighting the value of sisterhood, self-care and academics all in one.
The Collegiate Chapter DEI Programming Support Award is presented to the chapter that demonstrates a clear and substantial commitment to another organization’s programming focused on diversity, equity and inclusion. This commitment may be demonstrated through marketing support, chapter attendance/participation and/or financial contributions.
Zeta Delta Chapter at Bentley University
The Zeta Delta Chapter at Bentley University has dedicated itself to DEI efforts as a chapter. During the 2021-2022 school year, the past DEI chairman, Kimiya Kim, produced an action plan to send along to the school and use as a reference for the chapter. She worked to hold the chapter accountable for every part of the action plan. In the current 2022-2023 year, the current DEI chairman, Aashini Parikh, has taken strides in carrying on the work of the plan and developing the chapter’s efforts. Aashini is also an executive board member of the South Asian Student Association (SASA) and has taken efforts to combine her work with both organizations. In April, the chapter partnered with SASA for their Holi event, allowing the chapter members to learn more about this cultural tradition. The chapter stays informed with other organizations’ events across campus. Additionally, the chapter hosts DEI dialogues frequently after chapter meetings to become more educated on topics chapter members may be unfamiliar with. The chapter believes in setting long-term goals and not short-term solutions.
The Collegiate Chapter Excellence in Inclusion Award is presented to the chapter that fosters a welcoming environment for all members. The chapter demonstrates evidence of providing accommodations to new members and sisters, accommodating multiple learning styles, ensuring events are inclusive and welcoming, ensuring women from diverse backgrounds feel a sense of belonging, recruiting and retaining women from diverse backgrounds, and/or can communicate effectively and productively as a chapter.
Theta Iota Chapter at the University of Michigan - Flint
The Theta Iota Chapter at the University of Michigan - Flint promotes a welcoming and inclusive environment for all members at all times. The chapter starts meetings with a mental health check-in and provides a safe place for sisters to share any worries or concerns they have in their life and how the chapter can support them. The chapter works to make events inclusive and positive, making sure all members can be included and have access. The chapter offers new member programs both in-person and virtually, providing new members to choose the best option for them. As a chapter with a diverse population of members, the chapter makes sure that it creates an inclusive space where everyone can be heard and feel welcomed.
The Collegiate Chapter Membership Recruitment Award is presented to the collegiate chapter that has been outstanding in membership recruitment over the past year.
Delta Nu Chapter at Iona College
The Delta Nu Chapter at Iona College has been successful with a continuous open recruitment structure. They hold numerous practices, assign members different recruitment tasks throughout the recruitment period and make efficient plans for their recruitment events year-round. The women hold themselves to a higher standard and represent the organization well with every event hosted on campus throughout COR. The women have successful retained women throughout their recruitment and new member process.
Theta Upsilon Chapter at the University of La Verne
The Theta Upsilon Chapter at the University of La Verne continuously recruited to total and have executed COB and formal recruitment efforts in-line with Fraternity and university directives. They are consistently in the in the upper 25% on the RFM report.
Zeta Delta Chapter at Bentley University
The Zeta Delta Chapter at Bentley University continuously recruited to total and have executed COB and formal recruitment efforts in-line with Fraternity and university directives. They consistently perform in the number one spot on RFM.
FULLY STRUCTURED RECRUITMENT (SIZE 100+) Gamma Nu Chapter at Rutgers University - New Brunswick
The Gamma Nu Chapter at Rutgers University - New Brunswick continuously recruits to total and plans and executes COB and formal recruitment efforts in-line with Fraternity and university directives. The chapter performs in the top spot on their campus. The chapter was able to demonstrate their tremendous sisterhood and philanthropic impact while returning to their first in-person recruitment.
Xi Chapter at Temple University
The Xi Chapter at Temple University continuously recruits to total and plans and executes COB and formal recruitment efforts in-line with Fraternity and university directives. The chapter performs in the top RFM spot on their campus. The chapter continues to be creative and innovative in their recruitment efforts and have embraced what it means to have a values-based recruitment.
The Collegiate Chapter New Member Experience Award is presented to the chapter that successfully exemplifies the use of the Phi Program, adopting the culture of the new member experience, inclusive of servant leadership, incorporating ritual and finding connections that strengthen relationships within the pyramid.
Delta Eta Chapter at the University of Delaware
The Delta Eta Chapter at the University of Delaware is led by a group of women who continue to impress their local fraternity & sorority community. The Delta Eta Chapter took on a class of 90 new members in spring 2023 and still made a conscious effort to ensure each new member felt the love of Phi Sigma Sigma at the individual level. Between their new member events, big/little mixers and formals, the chapter succeeded in initiating 88 new members during a retreat in Jellystone Park.
Zeta Tau Chapter at Loyola University Chicago
The Zeta Tau Chapter at Loyola University Chicago has been dedicated towards encouraging each new member to be a catalyst of change. The chapter strives to pave the way for each new member to seek out the kind of experience they wish to manifest for themselves – while creating a dynamic which promotes both individuality and unity in tandem. Each module of the Phi Program has been designed to stay true to Phi Sigma Sigma’s roots, while developing a vibrant and approachable new member curriculum. In module order, the Zeta Tau Chapter’s Phi Program included elements of celebrating the beginning of the new members’ membership, cultivating relationships with the current members and understanding Phi Sigma Sigma’s models, ideals and the greater commitment to the community. While establishing a collective understanding of servant leadership, each new member was reminded to trust in themselves to nourish, in order to flourish.
Zeta Chi Chapter at Stevenson University
The Zeta Chi Chapter at Stevenson University makes a sustained effort to connect with new members throughout the semester. They facilitate the Phinding Connections program within their chapter. They have monthly outings with the intention to make sure their new members feel comfortable and integrated throughout their new member process. They have gone roller skating, planted flowers to represent their growth in the chapter and made each other valentines. At the end of the new member process, they make sure to maintain new member morale with a sapphire sister week to celebrate the new members and the mentor they have in a big sister. The current archon speaks highly of the new member experience during coaching calls and works closely with the sister development chairman to ensure that it is productive and seamless.
Iota Chi Chapter at James Madison University
The Iota Chi Chapter at James Madison University does an excellent job of making their new members feel welcome and included in chapter and campus activities. Chapter leadership is well informed on Fraternity and campus policies and procedures as it relates to the new member experience. New members are offered the opportunity to be paired with older members in the chapter within the same major as a part of the chapter’s tutoring program to help the new members succeed academically. The Iota Chi Chapter has worked hard to incorporate ritual into their weekly chapter meetings with the help of their advisory board. Sisters and new members are provided with many opportunities to get to know each other through the many events the chapter hosts and attends throughout each semester.
The Collegiate Chapter Panhellenic Award is presented to the Phi Sigma Sigma collegiate chapter that made the most valuable contribution to its college Panhellenic or Interfraternity/Greek Council. Chapters that are the only sorority on their campus are still eligible if they work within an Interfraternity/Greek Council promoting interfraternal cooperation and spirit.
Zeta Zeta Chapter at Quinnipiac University
The Zeta Zeta Chapter at Quinnipiac University continuously promotes the chapter’s involvement within the Panhellenic and fraternity/sorority community. Whenever possible, the chapter aims to host events with other Greek organizations in order to promote the community and form strong connections within it. Every fall the chapter hosts an annual philanthropy event with the Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity. They also host other smaller events with organizations such as karaoke or yard game tournaments to raise money for both organizations’ philanthropies. Within the past year, the chapter has started a DEI book club in collaboration with Chi Omega which allows for the chapters to connect and form connections while also increasing our understanding of DEI matters. The chapter has also collaborated with Chi Omega to hold an Autism Awareness event. In addition to co-hosting events with other organizations, the chapter participates to its fullest in Panhellenic activities. In 2022, the chapter placed second in the annual Greek Week competition due to their active participation, money raised and philanthropy hours contributed.
Iota Upsilon Chapter at the University of New Hampshire
The Iota Upsilon Chapter at the University of New Hampshire has many members on the Panhellenic Board at the University of New Hampshire. For two years in a row, a Phi Sigma Sigma sister has been the president of the Panhellenic Council. This year, one of the chapter’s members is the Panhellenic recruitment assistant and another is the Panhellenic programming and scholarship chair. With many members on the Panhellenic Council, these sisters have been able to contribute to inter-fraternal cooperation. With their positions, they have been able to create events that bring all the other sororities together on campus, such as a “Sorority Strut” which is a 5k that all of the sororities can participate in. The members of the Panhellenic Council also attend conferences where they go listen to different speakers discuss several topics such as sexual harassment, hazing, diversity and inclusion, and they are able to take back what they have learned to their own chapter.
Honorable Mention
Iota Tau Chapter at Miami University of Ohio
The Collegiate Chapter Philanthropic Impact Award is presented to the chapter that has had an impact on their campus and community through their volunteer time and/or charitable endeavors.
Delta Kappa Chapter at Florida International University
The Delta Kappa Chapter at Florida International University has raised funds for its own philanthropic events while also volunteering within the community. The members visited a Title I school in their community and donated 500 backpacks, each filled with essential school supplies like notebooks, pencils, folders and more and handed them out to students and their parents. In addition, sisters volunteered at the event by facilitating carnival games and selling food. Alongside the brothers of Sigma Chi, the chapter hosted a toy drive to collect toys for the Community Health Center of South Florida to give to children suffering mental health issues. In 2022, the chapter raised over $27,000 for the Phi Sigma Sigma Foundation and over $11,000 for Janelle’s Wishing Well Foundation, an organization that honors the passing of sister Janelle Bertot. In spring 2023, the chapter held its annual King and Blue Gold event and raised more than $35,000 for the Phi Sigma Foundation, breaking the philanthropic record at the university.
Zeta Tau Chapter at Loyola University Chicago
In 2011, a sister of the Zeta Tau Chapter at Loyola University Chicago suffered and passed away from a stroke at age 19. Ever since her passing, the chapter has strived to raise awareness and debunk common myths about strokes. The chapter hosts an annual brunch event for this cause. This year, there were 125 attendees and the chapter raised over $6,000 to be donated to the Rush Medical Center in Chicago. Leading up to the event and beyond, the chapter promotes acronyms such as BE FAST and how to access stroke help to the community, in hopes of preventing another tragic event.
Honorable Mention
Delta Phi Chapter at Monmouth University
The Collegiate Chapter Programming Award is presented to the collegiate chapter(s) that demonstrates outstanding efforts in any programming area, including, but not limited to alumnae, family, health and wellness, scholarship and academic excellence, new member and sisterhood programming. The programming should provide development opportunities that ensure members are women of substance, character and influence.
Zeta Theta Chapter at Fairleigh Dickinson University at Madison
The Zeta Theta Chapter at Fairleigh Dickinson University at Madison prioritizes their members. Chapter leadership makes sure that every event and philanthropy project serves a purpose close to each chapter member. This year, their reoccurring philanthropy theme of “sisterhearts” was introduced. A sisterheart is a fundraiser for a cause that is brought to their executive board. The philanthropy chair and committee work together with that sister to do a meaningful event, celebrating and bringing awareness to the cause. The 2023 executive board continues to ensure this legacy of servant-leadership by creating a mental health-safe space at every chapter meeting where all members gather on an equal level and talk about any struggles they might be going through or victories they want to celebrate.
Zeta Tau Chapter at Loyola University Chicago
The Zeta Tau Chapter at Loyola University Chicago cares deeply about following tradition, but also about forging new memories by creating new and exciting programming. They host two large-scale, campus-wide philanthropy events per year: one kickball game which is mostly attended by students, and one (more formal) brunch event open to non-students. They host an annual family brunch, alumni brunch, senior send-off ceremony, sisterhood retreat, social events, fundraisers, community service drives and more. Located in Chicago, they try to use local resources to create unique programming that sisters usually wouldn’t experience on their own. This semester the chapter went on a private, guided tour of Wrigley Field for their sisterhood retreat.
Theta Iota Chapter at the University of Michigan - Flint
The Theta Iota Chapter at the University of Michigan - Flint has done an incredible job providing its members with development opportunities. Sisterhood activities include bowling, coffee dates, local hockey games, baking, painting canvases and visiting apple orchards/nature trails. Twice a year, the Theta Iota sisters clean up trash/debris for a section of I-475 as part of Adopt-A-Highway. They also have several annual events that are important to the chapter. The Theta Iota Chapter successfully hosts two annual signature events to fund scholarships in the names of two sisters who have passed: Ariel Rose Black & Erin Dagenais. Bowling for Ariel has been hosted annually since 2012, and Erin’s Scholarship Dinner has been hosted annually since 2016. This year, the chapter hosted its first mother’s pinning and father’s capping in recent years. They were excited to perform this ritual as none of the active sisters had seen the event before. With their limited size, they put major effort into giving back to the community and making the chapter a fun and rewarding place to be.
Iota Kappa Chapter at the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs
The Iota Kappa Chapter at the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs looks to engage not only their chapter members but also their fraternity and sorority and school-wide community. The chapter hosted small and large events including co-hosted socials on campus with other fraternity & sorority organizations, creating a fun and creative activity for bid day, hosting a philanthropy for a local teacher and Iota Kappa alumna, and an impactful senior recognition week culminating in a “Greekend” where all organizations came together to celebrate those graduating this spring 2023. Not only does this chapter have great and thoughtful events, but they also strive to be policy compliant and take feedback and re-direction incredibly well. They seek to make an impact on their community while continuing to remain close to their ideals and traditions.
Iota Tau Chapter at Miami University of Ohio
The Iota Tau Chapter at Miami University of Ohio is constantly working to find new and innovative events that can inspire and promote love, friendship and authenticity among each other. The chapter had an outstanding number of sisterhoods, mental health and wellness, academic, new member programming and alumnae events that ensure that this chapter is well involved and plans heavily to make the best of their time. The Iota Tau Chapter has held several programs throughout this semester and makes a continued effort to have things going on for sisters to attend events that benefit the sisterhood, their families and the community. The chapter hosted a lady’s weekend for the special women in their life where they rented a bowling alley and held a dinner at a local brewery. Throughout the semester there was a variety of sisterhood events including a Galentine’s Day shrinky dink keychain making, self-care kit making, pottery making class at the local studio, painting pots and planting flowers, Zumba class and painting disco balls. The chapter also hosted a tabling event to sell the shrinky dink keychains they made, sold grilled cheese sandwiches, hosted a backpack tabling event, sold donuts and collected school supplies to benefit their local philanthropy as well as the Phi Sigma Sigma Foundation.
The Collegiate Chapter Progress Award is presented to the chapter showing significant overall advancement and development in areas not limited to membership recruitment, new member programming, academic excellence, scholarship, social programming and diversity, equity and inclusion.
Epsilon Theta Chapter at Montclair State University
The Epsilon Theta Chapter at Montclair State University has worked tirelessly to rebuild their sisterhood, programming and external relations this year. The chapter leadership has accepted support locally and nationally to ensure that their members have the most positive experience. While going into recruitment with a smaller roster number than usual, the chapter still met quota and has since worked hard to recruit to total.
The Collegiate Chapter Recruitment Progress Award is presented to the collegiate chapter that has improved its recruitment program, including the strategic plan and overall execution.
Theta Chapter at the University of Illinois at Urbana - Champaign
The Theta Chapter at the University of Illinois at Urbana - Champaign has made significant strides over the past few years in their recruitment progress. There has been a consistent upward trend in their priority numbers on an extremely competitive campus. The chapter was invigorated when returning to fully in-person recruitment. They continuously work to recruit to total and plan and execute COB and formal recruitment efforts in line with Fraternity and university directives.
Gamma Iota Chapter at Worcester Polytechnic Institute
The Gamma Iota Chapter at Worcester Polytechnic Institute continuously performs in the upper third of chapters on their campus. They recruited to total and have executed COB and formal recruitment efforts in-line with Fraternity and university directives. The chapter was able to successfully return to in-person recruitment.
The Collegiate Chapter Risk Prevention Award is presented to the collegiate chapter(s) that demonstrated outstanding performance in education, application or navigation of the Fraternity’s expectations and policies, in tune with the campus environment. Opportunities for excellence include, but are not limited to, event management and harm reduction, prevention and education and crisis management.
Xi Chapter at Temple University
The Xi Chapter at Temple University has been diligent and incredibly organized when it comes to risk prevention. Their prevention plans for social events are well thought out, and they actively look for ways to improve after each event. In response to some incidents involving fraternities on their campus, the executive board worked together and developed a very clear set of criteria to determine which fraternities they would associate with this year. They have used the criteria to lead chapter conversations as well as conversations with the Panhellenic community as they navigate the high-risk men’s behavior.
Zeta Xi Chapter at Canisius College
The Zeta Xi Chapter at Canisius College is very eager to educate themselves on how to better their risk management and event plans. When issues arose with their spring formal risk plan, they were quick to speak with their chapter coach and willing to join prevention office hours to get more information on how they can improve their prevention plans. Each sister received training on how to recognize certain unsafe situations, with a refresher about halfway through the semester. The training covered a number of topics, including how to prevent, recognize and test for drinks ‘spiked’ with drugs. The training also included information about who to contact in an emergency, including the contact information for the risk management chair, poison control, archon and campus police. The police chief of Canisius College also came in to talk to the chapter about personal safety, including self-defense. This chapter makes a great effort to educate their members on how to navigate the collegian experience in a safe and policy complaint way.
The Collegiate Chapter Ritual Award was established in honor of Louise Kriegsman Kier Zirretta and is presented to the collegiate chapter that has gained full benefit from the ritual of Phi Sigma Sigma, through both knowledge, understanding and application of Phi Sigma Sigma’s ritual.
Theta Zeta Chapter at Keene State College
At Convention in 2022, the archon of the Theta Zeta Chapter at Keene State College experienced an initiation and heard first-hand from longtime sisters about what ritual means to them. She took this experience back and made it her mission to do every applicable ritual in our handbook. During COVID-19, the member experience had been modified to fit a virtual format, so in the chapter’s first truly "normal" semester back, it was great timing to refocus and find bonds within our rituals rather than dated local practices. The Theta Zeta Chapter went from being a chapter with little ritual supplies to one that passes down its shared rituals as the traditions that hold a special place in their hearts.
Honorable Mention
Zeta Theta Chapter at Fairleigh Dickinson University
Collegiate Chapter School and College Readiness Award is presented to the chapter that most fully embraces Phi Sigma Sigma’s philanthropic cause through its service and philanthropic efforts.
Zeta Zeta Chapter at Quinnipiac University
This past school year, the Zeta Zeta Chapter at Quinnipiac University hosted two events to help raise funds through Phi Sigma Sigma Foundation's Community Impact Fund. In the fall, they hosted a Founder's Day 5K in partnership with two other local Connecticut chapters, raising almost $1,000. In the spring, the chapter hosted Sets on the Beach, a sand volleyball tournament, raising over $4,000. Leveraging the Phi Sigma Sigma Foundation's Community Impact Fund, the chapter donated $4,962 to the Hamden School Supplies Closet. The Hamden School Supplies Closet provides Hamden students in need with free school supplies to meet their academic requirements. This initiative was created to assist Hamden families who are having difficulty providing their children with the necessary items needed for school. The Hamden School was so appreciative of Zeta Zeta's generous donation, they produced a press release to share with the Mayor's Office.
Epsilon Chapter at Adelphi University
Every year, the Epsilon Chapter at Adelphi University organizes an event called "Do It for the Kids." The chapter welcomes families and children from local low-income schools and other organizations on campus to come together for an event featuring crafts, a bounce house, music and games. This year, the Epsilon Chapter collected 540 pieces of school supplies, which were donated to local low-income schools in need. The chapter also raised money through fundraising events such as raffles, shopping and bake sales. Additionally, the chapter partners with Toys for Tots during the holiday season to collect toys for underprivileged children. The chapter educates its new members on our philanthropic cause and events, so these efforts may continue each and every semester.
The Outstanding Signature Event Award is presented to the collegiate chapter who plans, publicizes and executes an impactful event that is creative and successful bringing honor and distinction to Phi Sigma Sigma.
Delta Eta Chapter at the University of Delaware
The Delta Eta Chapter at the University of Delaware created a well-thought-out sisterhood retreat at Jellystone Park for spring 2023. During the planning process, the sister development chairman and archon worked tirelessly with their chapter key advisor and Headquarters staff to make the retreat an all-inclusive, policy compliant and a safe experience for both the active chapter members as well as the new members. One of the items on their agenda was initiation, saved for the last day of the retreat as a way to end the retreat with all active members. They successfully initiated 88 new members into the Delta Eta Chapter. Other activities included an all-member hike and plenty of opportunities to get to know each other.
Delta Kappa Chapter at Florida International University
The Delta Kappa Chapter at Florida International University hosted a week-long campaign and fundraiser in spring 2023 benefiting their Community Impact Fund. Contestants were entered into the competition and participated in a number of charitable activities throughout the week. These activities included handing out free school supplies at Coral Park Elementary, tabling on campus by selling food and collecting monetary donations, and a restaurant fundraiser at Sports Grill Sunset. Contestants were encouraged to share their participation in the campaign in an effort to receive the most donations on their behalf and be crowned victorious. In total, the Delta Kappa Chapter raised over $30,000.
Iota Nu Chapter at Sacred Heart University
The Iota Nu Chapter at Sacred Heart University hosted a “Princess for a Day” philanthropy event where they invited local kids to spend the day as royalty. Members of the chapter dressed up like Disney princesses for the event. During the planning process, the executive board had great conversations about having a diverse cast of princesses represented while also making sure they were not appropriating anyone’s culture. Each participating child got pictures and autographs from their favorite Disney princesses, and they took part in arts and crafts. Additionally, the chapter did an excellent job marketing the event. Aside from the typical, social media marketing methods, they worked with Headquarters staff to send an email blast out to all local alumnae, and they reached out to families at the chapter’s partner school. The chapter ended up raising just under $5,300 for the Phi Sigma Sigma Foundation.
The Collegiate Chapter Sisterhood Award is presented to the chapter that creates and implements intentional programming that that fosters a welcoming environment to encourage members to continually aim high and build sisterhood. The chapter's programming encourages involvement and harmony among all of the sisters through love, strength, sincerity, integrity, friendship and faith.
Delta Kappa Chapter at Florida International University
The Delta Kappa Chapter at Florida International University has a commitment to intentional programming. The chapter recognizes that sisterhood isn't just something that happens naturally - it takes effort and intentionality to build strong bonds between members. As such, they have created a variety of programs designed specifically to foster sisterhood within the chapter. For example, the Delta Kappa Chapter hosts regular social events that are well-planned and executed. By leveraging sapphire sisters as mentors, the chapter creates a sense of continuity and provides opportunities for personal growth and development. Another way that the Delta Kappa Chapter fosters sisterhood is through the emphasis on involvement and harmony among all sisters. They prioritize participation in chapter activities, encouraging everyone to contribute their unique talents and perspectives. Finally, the Delta Kappa Chapter embodies Phi Sigma Sigma's core values of love, strength, sincerity, integrity, friendship and faith. The chapter broke Florida International University’s record by raising $37,000 to aid impoverished children in local communities.
Epsilon Kappa Chapter at Hofstra University
The Epsilon Kappa Chapter at Hofstra University has done an excellent job providing their members with a wide range of programming to ensure everyone has a chance to get involved. They have been intentional and consistent about offering events that appeal to everyone. They have done larger outings such as laser tag, trampoline parks and pumpkin patches but have also offered low key events like movie nights and craft nights. They’ve also planned a variety of service events both on and off campus, and they’ve made efforts to make sure the chapter is supporting other chapters on campus during their philanthropy events. Outside of their programming, the chapter continually promotes a positive culture. They have a lot of positive chapter traditions that their members really enjoy. They prioritize sisterhood above everything else and it is shown by how involved their members are and how excited they are to be a part of Phi Sigma Sigma.
The Collegiate Chapter Social Media Award is presented to the chapter that best uses social media to further the perpetuity of the chapter in areas such as recruitment, promoting a welcoming and inclusive environment, promoting chapter and campus events and being a strong representation of Phi Sigma Sigma. Chapter social media marketing should be innovative and positively promote the ideals of Phi Sigma Sigma.
Beta Eta Chapter at The Pennsylvania State University
The Beta Eta Chapter at The Pennsylvania State University uses social media to effectively engage with PNMs and showcase their chapter experience. Their curated feed is a good mixture of aesthetic evergreen posts, posts showcasing chapter events and posts featuring sentiments or stories from sisters. This mixture creates a beautiful feed while maintaining the primary marketing purposes. Additionally, they utilize LinkTree in their bio to share a variety of additional marketing resources including their TikTok channel, recruitment video, recruitment advice, chapter website and Phi Sigma Sigma international website.
Epsilon Chi Chapter at Indiana University Southeast
The Epsilon Chi Chapter at Indiana University Southeast put together a thoughtful marketing plan, thinking through how to best showcase their chapter, campus, community and what it means to be a Phi Sig. The thought put into their plan was evident and well executed across their social media. They did a great job of curating an aesthetically pleasing feed while also ensuring each post had a purpose, whether that was showcasing an aspect of the chapter or a call to action such as signing up for recruitment.
Theta Delta Chapter at the University of Illinois at Chicago
The Theta Delta Chapter at the University of Illinois at Chicago does a great job of leveraging their social media to showcase the chapter experience. Almost every post has a dedicated purpose and demonstrates an element of their sisterhood, rather than their feed consisting heavily of evergreen or fluff posts. Through their posts, you are able to easily see what types of events they host, their sisters’ passions and achievements, etc.
Iota Tau Chapter at Miami University of Ohio
The Iota Tau Chapter at Miami University of Ohio has a well curated feed that successfully showcases their chapter experience. They highlight a range of members in group and individual photos. In addition to using their social media channels for chapter marketing, they do a great job of leveraging it to spread awareness about aspects that are important to their members including DEI, mental health, etc. For Women’s History Month, they featured a dedicated campaign highlighting their sisters' successes. They also have a second Instagram page separate from their chapter page which focuses on mental health awareness. This page was established in March 2020, and the chapter continues to maintain the Instagram page to support their sisters and promote positivity. They also have a blog focused on DEI initiatives and sharing perspectives from their members.
Honorable Mention
Epsilon Kappa Chapter at Hofstra University
The Certificate of Appreciation is presented to those who have made a significant contribution to Phi Sigma Sigma or have assisted the organization in some way through a specific project or action outside of an assigned role.
Katie Achevich, Iota Tau Chapter at Miami University of Ohio
Allison Babinski, Delta Mu Chapter at William Paterson University
Veronica Ballinger, Zeta Tau Chapter at Loyola University Chicago
Marcie Berson, Beta Chapter at Tufts University
Olivia Buby, Epsilon Beta Chapter at Ferris State University
Adam Cantley, Assistant Vice President, Student Advocacy and Support/Dean of Students at the University of Delaware
Bree Conn, Theta Chi Chapter at California State University, Sacramento
Melanie Faltys, Iota Tau Chapter at Miami University of Ohio
Alexa Fletcher, Iota Zeta Chapter at University of Minnesota - Duluth
Jillian Floyd, Epsilon Theta Chapter at Montclair State University
Gabrielle Ennis, Beta Xi Chapter at Cornell University
Cassandra Escudero, Theta Chi Chapter at California State University, Sacramento
Alexa Georgakopoulos, Gamma Zeta Chapter at the University of Rhode Island
Alexa Gerling, Epsilon Chi Chapter at Indiana University Southeast
Meghan Grace, Epsilon Delta Chapter at Chapman University
Becca Grady, Delta Lambda Chapter at Muhlenberg College
Catie Hennessy, Pi Chapter at Syracuse University
Elizabeth Hensley, Delta Beta Chapter at the University of Rochester
Lexi Keefe, Delta Eta Chapter at the University of Delaware
Tracy Koch, Epsilon Alpha Chapter at Illinois State University
Jo Kupbens, Epsilon Phi Chapter at Radford University
Alana McGinty, Epsilon Alpha Chapter at Illinois State University
Morgan McNamara, Gamma Zeta Chapter at the University of Rhode Island
Kristin Reifsnider, Epsilon Sigma Chapter at Virginia Wesleyan University
Megs Ricci, Iota Pi Chapter at Salem State University
Dana Salanik, Zeta Omicron Chapter at Kutztown University of Pennsylvania
Olivia Schwager, Delta Theta Chapter at Oakland University
Katherine Shagalov, Delta Zeta Chapter at Stevens Institute of Technology
Kaila Stewart, Iota Upsilon Chapter at the University of New Hampshire
Melissa Urrunaga, Epsilon Sigma Chapter at Virginia Wesleyan University
Carolyn Vachon, Zeta Nu Chapter at Slippery Rock University
Allison Watson, Delta Eta Chapter at the University of Delaware
Jamie Wilson, Gamma Zeta Chapter at the University of Rhode Island
The Sigma Society Award is presented to collegiate and alumnae sisters who maintain a 3.68 or higher on a 4.0 scale (or equivalent) for two consecutive semesters during their undergraduate/graduate career.
Nicole Aquino, Delta Chi Chapter at Shippensburg University
Elizabeth Ashley, Theta Iota Chapter at the University of Michigan - Flint
Emily Blythe, Zeta Delta Chapter at Bentley University
Meagan Brodeur, Epsilon Iota Chapter at Bridgewater State University
Abby Brown, Zeta Chi Chapter at Stevenson University
Simone Cammarasana, Delta Xi Chapter at Binghamton University of SUNY
Kylie Campbell, Epsilon Chi Chapter at Indiana University Southeast
Jillian Chmela, Iota Mu Chapter at the University of New Haven
Madi Cresta, Zeta Zeta Chapter at Quinnipiac University
Ally Curcio, Zeta Delta Chapter at Bentley University
Sierra Curry, Delta Chi Chapter at Shippensburg University
Sammie D'Angelo, Beta Eta Chapter at The Pennsylvania State University
Michelle David, Zeta Chi Chapter at Stevenson University
Genevieve Deinard, Zeta Delta Chapter at Bentley University
Sahar Dhanji, Theta Delta Chapter at the University of Illinois at Chicago
Kayla Foley, Zeta Delta Chapter at Bentley University
Genevieve Fontana, Zeta Xi Chapter at Canisius University
Mackenzy Garden, Delta Zeta Chapter at Stephens Institute of Technology
Chanel Gerla, Zeta Delta Chapter at Bentley University
Emelin Gustafsson, Zeta Zeta Chapter at Quinnipiac University
Sandra Harrison, Zeta Rho Chapter at Fitchburg State University
Samantha Hess, Zeta Delta Chapter at Bentley University
Rylie Hildebrand, Iota Tau Chapter at Miami University of Ohio
Daelin Hoff, Zeta Gamma Chapter at West Chester University
Shea'lyn Hubbs, Gamma Xi Chapter at Widener University
Jess Johnson, Zeta Delta Chapter at Bentley University
Katherine Jones, Zeta Zeta Chapter at Quinnipiac University
Victoria Kapusta, Delta Xi Chapter at Binghamton University of SUNY
Olivia Kilkenny, Delta Nu Chapter at Iona University
Casey Knopp, Zeta Chi Chapter at Stevenson University
Stella Kochan, Theta Chapter at the University of Illinois at Urbana - Champaign
Emily Kolominsky, Iota Tau Chapter at Miami University of Ohio
Natylie Knowles, Theta Iota Chapter at the University of Michigan - Flint
Jessica Kwon, Beta Xi Chapter at Cornell University
Julia Langman, Theta Xi Chapter at Nova Southeastern University
Kyra Laurie, Zeta Xi Chapter at Canisius University
Anna Layne, Epsilon Alpha Chapter at Illinois State University
Rebecca Maiorella, Delta Xi Chapter at Binghamton University of SUNY
Jojo Marquez, Beta Xi Chapter at Cornell University
Alisa Mastrandrea, Epsilon Kappa Chapter at Hofstra University
Madison McCann, Zeta Delta Chapter at Bentley University
Micaela Mittleman, Beta Alpha Chapter at the University of Maryland - College Park
Jillian Mountford, Zeta Delta Chapter at Bentley University
Carleigh Newman, Delta Xi Chapter at Binghamton University of SUNY
Makayla Noble, Iota Omicron Chapter at Capital University
Sarah Norman, Zeta Chi Chapter at Stevenson University
Shannon O'Hara, Zeta Chi Chapter at Stevenson University
Ashley Peck, Zeta Delta Chapter at Bentley University
Tenley Pelot, Gamma Psi Chapter at McDaniel College
Kristiana Perris, Theta Chi Chapter at California State University, Sacramento
Halle Pinkham, Zeta Tau Chapter at Loyola University Chicago
Maddie Plank, Zeta Tau Chapter at Loyola University Chicago
Kaylea Platt, Theta Zeta Chapter at Keene State College
Christine Ruggieri, Theta Eta Chapter at Rider University
Valentina Sica, Delta Xi Chapter at Binghamton University of SUNY
Emily Spillar, Epsilon Theta Chapter at Montclair State University
Kera Skove, Zeta Chi Chapter at Stevenson University
Samantha Sylvester, Zeta Delta Chapter at Bentley University
Caitlin Tizzone, Delta Xi Chapter at Binghamton University of SUNY
Hannah Waterman, Delta Delta Chapter at Linfield University
Cameron Wehr, Xi Chapter at Temple University
Meaghan Woods, Epsilon Theta Chapter at Montclair State University
The Chapter Key Advisor Service Award is presented to a key advisor who has successfully completed the duties of her office for a minimum of four consecutive years. A sister is only eligible to receive this award one time.
Sheela Joles, Iota Alpha Chapter at Saginaw Valley State University Chapter Key Advisor for Iota Alpha Chapter at Saginaw Valley State University
Diane Kauffman, Theta Chapter at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Chapter Key Advisor for Theta Chapter at the University of Illinois at Urbana -Champaign
Lacey Beth Lockhart, Delta Delta Chapter at Linfield University Chapter Key Advisor for Delta Delta Chapter at Linfield University
Kristin Mehrhof, Zeta Omega Chapter at University of Michigan at Dearborn Chapter Key Advisor for Zeta Omega Chapter at University of Michigan at Dearborn
Erica Richardson, Zeta Lambda Chapter at Johnson and Wales University Chapter Key Advisor for Pi Chapter at Syracuse University
The Committee Chairman Dangle is presented to a committee/task force chairman after she has successfully served two full years in office. A sister is only eligible to receive the dangle one time.
Amy Bien, Epsilon Pi Chapter at Southern Connecticut State University
Carly Gibbons, Beta Xi Chapter at Cornell University
The Educational Leadership Consultant dangle is presented to an ELC upon successful completion of her employment.
Sophiana Botich, Iota Phi Chapter at Lindenwood University
Megan Lowe, Epsilon Chi Chapter at Indiana University Southeast
Reese VanDerMolen, Epsilon Iota Chapter at Bridgewater State University
Rema Abu-Hashim, Epsilon Alpha Chapter at Illinois State University
Carol Alcock, Delta Delta Chapter at Linfield University
Fallon Armstrong, Zeta Chi Chapter at Stevenson University
Taliah Ausby, Theta Eta Chapter at Rider University
Suzannah Avery, Delta Iota Chapter at Central Michigan University
Kate Billings, Delta Xi Chapter at Binghamton University of SUNY
Mary Blank, Delta Chi Chapter at Shippensburg University
Danielle Bouie, Zeta Theta Chapter at Fairleigh Dickinson University at Madison
Lauren Bradford, Gamma Tau Chapter at Northern Kentucky University
Angelique Brenes, Delta Gamma Chapter at San Francisco State University
Stephanie Briggs, Epsilon Psi Chapter at Western Illinois University
Christy Burns, Gamma Nu Chapter at Rutgers University - New Brunswick
Amy Callahan, Beta Pi Chapter at Queens College
Emily Calvo, Gamma Nu Chapter at Rutgers University - New Brunswick
Kayla Camacho, Epsilon Delta Chapter at Chapman University
Tori Carlson, Iota Omicron Chapter at Capital University
Maya Castro, Delta Gamma Chapter at San Francisco State University
Ioanna Catsimalis, Beta Pi Chapter at Queens College
Ashley Cesare, Gamma Gamma Chapter at Pennsylvania Western University, Clarion
Cipriana Costello, Theta Eta Chapter at Rider University
Veronika Crawford, Gamma Tau Chapter at Northern Kentucky University
Megan Crowley, Iota Sigma Chapter at Farmingdale College
Rosemary Cruz, Zeta Omega Chapter at University of Michigan at Dearborn
Jen Curry, Iota Kappa Chapter at the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs
Jenni Danai, Theta Chapter at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Brooke Day, Epsilon Beta Chapter at Ferris State University
Nina Deachilla, Zeta Nu Chapter at Slippery Rock University
Hayley Delia, Epsilon Psi Chapter at Western Illinois University
Angelina DeStefano, Iota Sigma Chapter at Farmingdale State College
Lauren Diaz, Gamma Sigma Chapter at Virginia Commonwealth University
Taylor Dickson, Delta Sigma Chapter at The College at Brockport - State University of New York
Katie Dix, Gamma Pi Chapter at the University of Maryland - Baltimore County
Hannah Duquette, Delta Theta Chapter at Oakland University
Hannah Feeney, Pi Chapter at Syracuse University
Kathleen Figueroa, Zeta Pi Chapter at The College of New Jersey
Brianna Fliegelman, Theta Eta Chapter at Rider University
Brittney Garza, Iota Gamma Chapter at California State University, Dominguez Hills
Amanda Gatz, Gamma Iota Chapter at Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Kelsey Gere, Iota Alpha Chapter at Saginaw Valley State University
Corinne Gillenwater, Iota Kappa Chapter at the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs
Lorinda Golab, Epsilon Psi Chapter at Western Illinois University
Rebecca Grady, Delta Lambda Chapter at Muhlenberg College
Shannon Greely, Iota Zeta Chapter at the University of Minnesota - Duluth
Lauren Green, Theta Eta Chapter at Rider University
Nicole Hannon, Gamma Tau Chapter at Northern Kentucky University
Neisha Hart, Epsilon Beta Chapter at Ferris State University
Danielle Hauser, Beta Psi Chapter at University of Florida
Sammi Hawes, Delta Gamma Chapter at San Francisco State University
Brenna Hogan, Delta Theta Chapter at Oakland University
Sheela Joles, Iota Alpha Chapter at Saginaw Valley State University
Marissa Kasenchak, Iota Sigma Chapter at Farmingdale State College
Erica Kleinbaum, Zeta Zeta Chapter at Quinnipiac University
Devin Koss, Zeta Delta Chapter at Bentley University
Olivia Kratzer, Epsilon Rho Chapter at York College of Pennsylvania
Jessica Lane, Epsilon Beta Chapter at Ferris State University
Lacey Beth Lockhart, Delta Delta Chapter at Linfield University
Nancy Lowenthal, Theta Chapter at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Arzoo Malhotra, Kappa Chapter at The George Washington University
Ashley Mazzola-Ciriello, Epsilon Chapter at Adelphi University
Shannon McCabe, Xi Chapter at Temple University
Colleen McCormack, Iota Beta Chapter at Quincy University
Lauren McCune, Delta Delta Chapter at Linfield University
Cait Meany, Zeta Zeta Chapter at Quinnipiac University
Jill Mele, Gamma Nu Chapter at Rutgers University - New Brunswick
Stacey Millheim, Epsilon Zeta Chapter at Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania
Melanie Morris, Epsilon Omicron Chapter at St. John's University
Alycia Muller, Epsilon Kappa Chapter at Hofstra University
Paige Murray, Theta Iota Chapter at the University of Michigan - Flint
Tina Muzzy, Iota Delta Chapter at Central Connecticut State University
Jessica Negley, Epsilon Rho Chapter at York College of Pennsylvania
Tori Negrau, Iota Omicron Chapter at Capital University
Brooke Newhart, Zeta Omicron Chapter at Kutztown University of Pennsylvania
Mallory Newman, Iota Alpha Chapter at Saginaw Valley State University
Kimberly Ortiz, Theta Eta Chapter at Rider University
Alexandra Pagan Garcia, Theta Xi Chapter at Nova Southeastern University
Emily Parker, Zeta Gamma Chapter at West Chester University
Makayla Phillips-Koch, Beta Omega Chapter at Portland State University
Amanda Pitts, Epsilon Iota Chapter at Bridgewater State University
Lauryn Poupore, Theta Iota Chapter at the University of Michigan - Flint
Lauren Ravitch, Xi Chapter at Temple University
Deana Renwick, Gamma Mu Chapter at Clarkson University
Amy Rice, Theta Chapter at the University of Illinois at Urbana - Champaign
Erica Richardson, Zeta Lambda Chapter at Johnson and Wales University
Kristen Ritchie, Delta Chapter at the University at Buffalo
Leah Robinson, Delta Eta Chapter at the University of Delaware
Emalee Rose, Theta Psi Chapter at Alma College
Heather Sinclair, Gamma Psi Chapter at McDaniel College
Kayla Smith, Delta Psi Chapter at the University of West Florida
Lindy Stearns, Zeta Omega Chapter at University of Michigan at Dearborn
Patricia Strachman, Beta Xi Chapter at Cornell University
Catie Suliga, Theta Eta Chapter at Rider University
Erica Tardone, Delta Sigma Chapter at The College at Brockport - State University of New York
Jillian Teeter, Theta Omega Chapter at Niagara University
Julianne Toce, Iota Mu Chapter at the University of New Haven
Danielle Tominich-Fancher, Theta Omega Chapter at Niagara University
Amanda Torrellas, Theta Zeta Chapter at Keene State College
Ivanna Tucker, Delta Delta Chapter at Linfield University
Carolyn Vachon, Zeta Nu Chapter at Slippery Rock University
Michelle VanArman, Delta Iota Chapter at Central Michigan University
Carly Vittoria, Iota Sigma Chapter at Farmingdale State College
Erin Vogel, Gamma Tau Chapter at Northern Kentucky University
Ariana Willis, Epsilon Phi Chapter at Radford University
Sam Wiser, Iota Eta Chapter at Florida Institute of Technology
Lauren Yanku, Gamma Zeta Chapter at The University of Rhode Island
Anna Yockey, Gamma Tau Chapter at Northern Kentucky University
Sage Young, Zeta Omicron Chapter at Kutztown University of Pennsylvania
Melissa Ahola, Zeta Rho Chapter at Fitchburg State University
Colleen Coughlin, Epsilon Iota Chapter at Bridgewater State University
Melissa Del Mauro, Delta Lambda Chapter at Muhlenberg College
Ashley Downey, Epsilon Sigma Chapter at Virginia Wesleyan University
Rachel Furlough, Theta Beta Chapter at Coastal Carolina University
Jodie Hitchman, Theta Chapter at the University of Illinois at Urbana - Champaign
Alison Kitchin, Gamma Gamma Chapter at Pennsylvania Western University, Clarion
Nancy McCarty, Theta Chapter at the University of Illinois at Urbana - Champaign
Angi Morrissey, Delta Chi Chapter at Shippensburg University
Samantha Morse, Iota Zeta Chapter at the University of Minnesota - Duluth
Casey Moser, Delta Lambda Chapter at Muhlenberg College
Andrea Puckett, Epsilon Chi Chapter at Indiana University Southeast
Kristin Reifsnider, Epsilon Sigma Chapter at Virginia Wesleyan University
Kris Rile, Zeta Omicron Chapter at Kutztown University of Pennsylvania
Stephany-Anne Sanon, Beta Pi Chapter at Queens College
Teresa Aten, Iota Kappa Chapter at the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs
Katie Berger-Racine, Theta Alpha Chapter at Northern Michigan University
Sherri Bolen, Theta Chapter at the University of Illinois at Urbana - Champaign
Raquel Brown-Kwiatek, Gamma Gamma Chapter at Pennsylvania Western University, Clarion
Kris Day, Theta Alpha Chapter at Northern Michigan University
Sandra Harrison, Zeta Rho Chapter at Fitchburg State University
Rachel King, Iota Zeta Chapter at the University of Minnesota - Duluth
Jo Kupbens, Epsilon Phi Chapter at Radford University
Karen Leeman, Zeta Zeta Chapter at Quinnipiac University
Megan Simms, Theta Iota Chapter at the University of Michigan - Flint
Joycelyn Vogt, Theta Xi Chapter at Nova Southeastern University
Melanie Wroblewski, Zeta Gamma Chapter at West Chester University
Holly Alperin, Delta Iota Chapter at Central Michigan University
Lisa Ballanco, Delta Chi Chapter at Shippensburg University
Jen Feicht, Gamma Gamma Chapter at Pennsylvania Western University, Clarion
Ana Igoa, Epsilon Epsilon Chapter at California State University, Bakersfield
Rachel Pienta, Beta Psi Chapter at The University of Florida
Becky Pifer, Delta Iota Chapter at Central Michigan University
ToniAnne Rigano, Delta Omega Chapter at Pace University
Lisa Cardello-Price, Beta Delta at Ohio University
Amy Keach, Gamma Nu Chapter at Rutgers University - New Brunswick
Erin Sweeney, Beta Delta Chapter at Ohio University
Mary Bacon, Epsilon Beta Chapter at Ferris State University
Gina Kerley, Delta Gamma Chapter at San Francisco State University
Jennifer Gentry, Theta Chapter at the University of Illinois at Urbana - Champaign
Dana Vandecoevering, Delta Delta Chapter at Linfield University