Seven Wellness Tips

Shannon McCabe, Iota Zeta Chapter at the University of Minnesota - Duluth, a nurse in Chicago weighs in with her top seven wellness tips.
1. Get outside and enjoy fresh air.
Spending time outside with Mother Nature and anyone you might be sheltering-in-place with. This is a great way to get some fresh air and Vitamin D from sunshine which is proven to help increase mental health. During this scary time, it is important to remember to take in the beauty that surrounds us everyday especially now during the springtime when flowers are starting to bloom and temperatures start to rise. Just remember to be vigilant and practice hand hygiene and social distancing to help prevent the spread of the virus. 2. Limit media intake from both news outlets and social media.Â
There is an overwhelming amount of information out there regarding the pandemic and it is constantly changing. It is important to be informed so be sure that your informational outlets are providing factual, non-biased information. Obsessing over the statistics can and will take a toll on your mental health and overall well being. While the amount of negative information seems to be never ending, many sources are also spotlighting the good news as well, so if you find yourself unable to unplug completely, look for those feel good stories to put a smile on your face. 3. Maintain your pre-quarantine routine. Even though you may be working or attending class from home, try to maintain the same routine you had before this all started. This includes eating balanced meals, getting adequate sleep at night and staying active through exercise. How you maintain your routine is likely going to be altered, but maintaining a sense of normalcy will decrease your anxiety and stress levels. 4. Learn that new skill or language, or take up that hobby you have always wanted to do but never felt you had the time. There is nothing wrong with binging every show on Netflix, but think how accomplished you will feel when you learn a new skill whether that’s taking up cooking, knitting or teaching yourself a new language. There is no better time than now! Plus many companies are offering discounts on products and apps that will guide and teach you how to master that new skill that you can show off to everyone once social distancing is a thing of the past. 5. Connect with friends and family. We live in a time where digital media is the main lifeline for many so utilize it! Have virtual game nights with your friends and family, get your best sister friends together for a ladies night in or reconnect with that friend or chapter sister you’ve maybe lost touch with and let them know you are thinking about them! 6. Declutter your life. This might be in the form of cleaning out your closet to sell/donate items you no longer wear or use or it could be unsubscribing to email lists that seem to fill up your inbox daily that you never open in the first place. You will not only feel accomplished once you have finished, but you will feel a new found sense of freedom. 7. Take time for yourself. This is important for everyone, but especially those that are parents or caregivers and are trying to juggle their personal routine with that of their children and/or other members of the family. Remember that these are trying times for everyone. The fear of the unknown is scary regardless of your age or situation. No person is perfect, and the added responsibilities that come with everyone being under the same room 24/7 will likely bring out some not so pretty sides of parents, children and roommates alike. Remember to take time for yourself whether that means meditating, taking a bubble bath or doing whatever it is that relaxes you. Everyone will thank you for it, including yourself!Â