Life as a LDC: Jess Worrall

Name: Jess Worrall
Chapter: Iota Chi Chapter at James Madison University
"It was not until I was in my role as a LDC that I truly realized Once, Always is not just about you school or you chapter, it's about every single sister you meet and instantly connect with because of a shared sisterhood."
Why did you want to be a leadership development consultant (LDC)?
I wanted to be a LDC because of the staff members that came to my school and created my chapter. They were so supportive and caring. They were wonderful teachers and brought such an amazing sisterhood experience to me that I jumped at the opportunity to do the same for others.
What is your favorite memory from your time as a LDC?
My favorite memory is CLA this past winter. It was so great to reconnect with chapter leaders that I had meet on road the semester before and great to connect with chapter leaders I would be visiting in the spring. CLA is such a fun time because everyone is there to learn and engage in the programming and create new friends through our sisterhood.
What skills did you learn as a LDC?
I learned how to be a good listener and how to problem solve quickly. I learned how to navigate college campuses and airports pretty well, I would definitely consider myself an experienced traveler now!
What did you learn about the larger Phi Sigma Sigma through this experience?
We've all heard the saying "Once a Phi Sigma Sigma, Always a Phi Sigma Sigma." Even as a collegian, I believed this to be true. I believed when I graduated I would have amazing friends and life long connects from my chapters. It was not until I was in my role as an LDC that I truly realized Once, Always is not just about you school or you chapter, it's about every single sister you meet and instantly connect with because of a shared sisterhood. I am really blessed to call women from other chapters my sisters, women I can rely on and call just to chat, and that I hope will be my lifelong friends.