Life as a LDC: Sam Fasbach

Name: Sam Fasbach
Chapter: Gamma Nu Chapter at Rutgers University - New Brunswick
"Not only do I have my own chapter sisters, but I have a huge community of sisters that will always be there to support me!"
Why did you want to be a leadership development consultant (LDC)?
I wanted to be an LDC to give back to the organization that has given me so much! I wanted to help sisters throughout the country in various aspects of chapter operations because I knew I could help give good advice and build awesome relationships with more sisters.
What is your favorite memory from your time as a LDC?
My favorite memory was helping the University of Delaware in their first ever backpack build! It was so great to work with the collegians and then ultimately donate 450 backpacks to Eisenberg Elementary School. What skills did you learn as a LDC?
I learned how to work and travel on my own. I learned great communication skills from talking with so many different, awesome people. Most importantly, I learned a lot about myself and how I ultimately want to work with helping people in the future. What did you learn about the larger Phi Sigma Sigma through this experience?
I learned that I can make so many connections through being part of Phi Sigma Sigma. Not only do I have my own chapter sisters, but I have a huge community of sisters that will always be there to support me! Everyone is so kind and so helpful, and I know that the bonds of our sisterhood go further than just my own time at college.