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Scholarship Success Stories: Toniann Seals

Name: Toniann Seals

Chapter: Epsilon Theta at Montclair State University

Scholarship Received: Helen Berkowitz Memorial Scholarship

"It is never too late to create a new path for yourself or change your end goal."

How did your Foundation scholarship impact you and your career?

My scholarship impacted me by allowing me to continue my studies without the overwhelming thought of finances. It also reminded me how special my sorority is and how much it cares for its members. I graduated knowing that I was supported by amazing women!

Since graduation I began studying to get my master’s degree. I am currently working on my master's in homeland security at Rider University. I have a graduate assistantship here as a community director in residence life, supervising my own staff in one of the campus residence halls.

How has Phi Sigma Sigma impacted you?

Phi Sigma Sigma has impacted my career by allowing me to be a part of an overall tight fraternity/sorority community. My position in student affairs does not stop at the community director level thanks to my Phi Sigma Sigma background. It exposes me to the fraternity/sorority community at my institution and opens doors for collaboration, mentorship and programming with new undergraduates. Likewise, the transferable skills I gained in leadership roles in my chapter helped me ace my interviews.

What advice would you give today's collegians?

My biggest piece of advice that I give to collegians is that it is never too late to create a new path for yourself or change your end goal. Many get stuck in the mindset that they have to stick with something like a major or job simply because of the time and effort they have already put into it. As someone who went to graduate school and switched programs of study a month in, I truly believe you have the power to rewrite your story an unlimited amount of times to ensure your ultimate happiness.

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