Phi Sigma Sigma Recognizes Fraternity Award Winners at Convention
On January 4, 2025, Phi Sigma Sigma announced the winners of several 2023-2024 Fraternity awards including: Sister of the Rose Award; Pyramid Award; Once, Always Award; Order of the Sapphire Award and the Josette George Kaufman Interfraternal Service Award. As some of Phi Sigma Sigma's most prestigious awards, these were presented during the Sphinx Banquet at Convention in Washington D.C. Please join us in recognizing these exceptional award winners!
Phi Sigma Sigma's annual awards program recognizes individuals and chapters who most embody the virtues of Phi Sigma Sigma and continue to "Aim High" throughout their collegiate and alumnae experiences. View the other 2023-2024 award winners here.
The Sister of the Rose Award is presented to a Supreme Council member who has served for ten cumulative years.

Katie Vlietstra Wonnenberg, Epsilon Delta Chapter at Chapman University
Katie has been a volunteer for 22 years, making immeasurable contributions to Phi Sigma Sigma. In 2011, she was elected to Supreme Council as a director. She went on to serve four years as Grand Vice Archon before serving as Grand Archon from 2017-2022. A visionary leader, she led the organization through a period of challenge and change – including navigating the COVID-19 pandemic and Abolish Greek Life movement – making strategic decisions to ensure the perpetuity of our beloved Phi Sigma Sigma. In 2022, she was elected president of the National Housing Corporation. Her work to align the Fraternity, NHC and Foundation as One Phi Sigma Sigma has been instrumental in navigating obstacles and providing unified solutions.
Phi Sigma Sigma’s highest honor is presented to an alumna sister in recognition of outstanding and consistent service to the Fraternity on all levels. Such service shall be demonstrated on an ongoing basis over a period of time, in various roles, or be of such magnitude that even though the service has not been demonstrated over time, the impact and degree of such service warrants this most prestigious award.

Liz Hoffman, Pi Chapter at Syracuse University
Liz has been a dedicated volunteer for Phi Sigma Sigma for 15 years. She began volunteering as the CKA to the Pi Chapter at Syracuse University and helped the chapter grow during the 8 years she served as their advisor. She has served as legal counsel to the nominating and bylaws committee and has served as legal counsel to Supreme Council since 2017. In her role as Supreme Council legal counsel, she has steadfastly guided the board through the legal implications of major financial decisions, such as the sale of our Headquarters building, COVID-19 policies and procedures, the Abolish Greek Life Movement, risk management policies, employment policies and staffing structure changes, etc. As chapters navigate challenging campus environments and discussions, she is able to provide creative and thoughtful guidance. Her vision and expertise have a lasting impact on member safety, accountability and daily operations of our chapters.
Liz has been a consistent presence on three different boards, providing historical perspective and guidance. She has also served as a great partner to the National Housing Corporation.
Outside of Phi Sigma Sigma, she is a partner at her law firm and was elected Chief Financial Officer in 2022. Despite her busy schedule, she is always willing to support staff and board members when issues arise. She has made a significant impact on the Fraternity, and we are grateful for her commitment to the organization.
The Once, Always Award is presented to a Phi Sigma Sigma outstanding alumna volunteer who has proven that Phi Sigma Sigma remains a lifelong, meaningful commitment beyond her collegiate years and continues to make a significant impact within the Fraternity in accordance with our mission. She is faithful in her service, gives selflessly, and is passionately committed to the advancement of the Fraternity. The recipient will have consistent service to the Fraternity, beyond 10 years, or several impactful positions outside of the roles of chapter key advisor, advisory board member and Supreme Council.

Melanie Boone, Beta Rho Chapter at Drexel University
Melanie has been a Phi Sigma Sigma volunteer for over 30 years. She began her service to Phi Sigma Sigma directly out of college as a chapter consultant and has continued to give back to Phi Sigma Sigma over the last several decades. She has held positions on all three boards: serving as Grand Vice Archon - Finance on Supreme Council, as director and treasurer of the National Housing Corporation, and as secretary and, most recently, treasurer of the Foundation. She brought extensive professional experience to her role, making a lasting impact on the future of the organization. She has also served on various committees over the years including bylaws, nominating, technology, chapter finance and extension strategy. Melanie has mentored many sisters helping prepare them for volunteer and leadership roles within Phi Sigma Sigma. She is always willing to help any sister who reaches out to her. 

Erin Sweeney, Beta Delta Chapter at Ohio University
Erin has been a dedicated Phi Sigma Sigma volunteer for over 25 years. She has served as on Supreme Council and the National Housing Corporation board, including serving as NHC President for 16 years and legal counsel for 20 years. Leveraging her professional knowledge and experience, she helped guide the board through many challenging legal issues as well as strategic decision making.
The Order of the Sapphire Award is sponsored by Phi Sigma Sigma Fraternity and was established in honor of Past Grand Archon Kim Hildred. The award is presented to a Phi Sigma Sigma alumna sister whose actions embody the spirit and dedication of a true leader and motivator.

Vanessa Freeman Zerhusen, Theta Rho Chapter at University of Virginia’s College at Wise
Vanessa has been a dedicated volunteer for over 20 years. She has served on the Foundation board since 2015 and has served as the Foundation president since 2018. In her role as president, she has worked to expand the Foundation’s impact and fundraising efforts and has worked closely with the other entities on promoting the vision of One Phi Sigma Sigma.

Angi San Souci, Delta Alpha Chapter at Eastern Michigan University
Angi has volunteered since 2009, beginning as a general board advisor and then chapter key advisor. She has also served as a member of the nominating, volunteer placement and alumnae engagement committees. Angi's work was key in the transition of the alumnae engagement task force to a committee, and she continues to serve as the committee’s chairman, looking for new ways to engage alumnae and helping grow the leadership skills of the individuals on the committee.

Lindsay Siolka, Iota Zeta Chapter at the University of Minnesota – Duluth
Lindsay volunteer for 12 years and has served on the International Standards Board, NHC Board, AIM committee and as legal counsel to the nominating committee the past two cycles. As nominating committee legal counsel, she has helped ensure that nomination procedures are followed and that Phi Sigma Sigma has strong candidates for board service. Lindsay is an accomplished attorney and has brought her legal expertise to all her roles.
The Interfraternal Service Award was established in honor of Josette George Kaufman is presented to an individual who has through their interfraternal contributions brought honor, distinction and prestige to the name of Phi Sigma Sigma at the National or International level.

Simonne Horman, Iota Iota Chapter at Grand Valley State University
Simonne has dedicated 14 years of service to Phi Sigma Sigma, serving in a variety of volunteer roles and as a staff member. In 2019, she became the chairman of the Panhellenic relations committee as well as Phi Sigma Sigma’s Chief Panhellenic Officer. In her role as CPO, she has represented and advocated for Phi Sigma Sigma on the national level. Outside of Phi Sigma Sigma, she is the director of sorority and fraternity life at a major SEC school, working directly to support students. From a Phi Sig educational consultant to a leader in the fraternity and sorority affairs world, she has brought honor to the Fraternity in all her roles.
View more 2023-2024 award winners here!